Former MP: Political ambitions behind silence on region’s oil smuggling

Former MP: Political ambitions behind silence on region’s oil smuggling

Previous individual from the Parliamentary Oil and Energy Panel, Ghaleb Mohammed Ali, affirmed today, Friday, that there are political desires behind the quiet on the oil carrying tasks did by Masoud Barzani and his family towards Turkey.

“The decision of the Paris court to stop oil exports from the Kurdistan Region to Turkey was in the interest of the Barzani family, as the decision obligated the federal government not to export oil, but the regional government continues to smuggle oil and send it to Turkey in tankers,” Ali stated in an interview.

“The government intends to implement the Paris Court’s decision,” he continued, “but the government’s quest for a second term prompts it not to object to what the Barzani family is doing.”

“The Barzani family smuggles approximately 320 thousand barrels daily, and this is considered a sacrifice to the Iraqi economy,” he stated.