Goldilocks’ Comments and Global Economic News Monday Evening 1-15-24


Goldilocks’ Comments and Global Economic News Monday Evening 1-15-24

Good Evening ,

The New Development Bank, also known as the BRICS Bank, is getting ready to sell Bonds on the Global Markets. These “Maharaja Bonds” will be available to regular investors, governments, and financial institutions.

The above-mentioned BRICS Bonds will be available in local currencies and not the US dollar. These measures will give strength to the local currencies of the BRICS Nations boosting their local economies.

They are currently looking for an approval from regulatory authorities to move on these actions.

Several sectors of the US economy will be affected if these new banking protocols are approved. This new money will go to improve private sector projects among the BRICS system giving more purchasing power to their currencies.  SoftPower Link
© Goldilocks

👆The old Financial System. If you know how to play Monopoly, you will know the financial system we are moving out of is one that gets too expensive for anyone to live in and the winner is the one that owns it all and no one else does.


Global payment technology provider Opus Technologies has launched FinGeniusAI Solutions, an open innovation platform aimed at fostering the adoption of AI-based solutions in the banking and payments industry.    OpusTechGlobal Link


“World Economic Forum Annual Meeting
15–19 January 2024″  |  
AA Link


Supply and demand are becoming issues for Iraq as they have moved on to the International stage. This move has created fluctuations on the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar, and they are currently looking at ways to stabilize their currency through economic tools that will bring them into alignment with other currencies.

This is why they are currently looking at measures of control to stabilize their exchange rate through the process of “deleting the zeros” and withdrawing cash mass from their citizens while transferring these monies to the banking system.

They’re looking at other mechanisms to control the Iraqi dinar through interest rates, of which, we have talked about in this room. Interest rate control allows them to guide the inflow and outflow of the dinar.

Control of their oil supply and other economic factors of trade within Iraq is becoming increasingly evident and unnecessary. The ability for the Government to trade freely on an open market is an emerging theme of realization and of necessity. It will bring more prosperity to their local economy.

These new mechanism changes for Iraq are coming into play, and the emergence of a new economic system is beginning to create price pressures forging new ways of implementing their new economy.

© Goldilocks


 This is what happens to a currency when price pressures start to reveal themselves.


Iraq is now in mainstream Traditional Banking and transitioning into a digital economy at the same time.

We will be watching both the digital economy and traditional banking system mechanisms join together through Quantum Technological networks going forward.

New prices will emerge from each of these areas of utility for the Iraqi dinar and form even Newer price patterns because of the gold that will be sprinkled into it through Basel 3.

© Goldilocks


Iraqi Banking Announcement:
Instructions and standards for circulation and exchange of banknotes, and counting and sorting mechanisms.


“I Have a Dream” speech by Martin Luther King .Jr HD (subtitled)


On this day of January the 15th, 2024, we stand upon a day known as a day whereby Martin Luther King Jr made his famous speech “I have a dream.”

Today, we are at a crossroads and having to make another choice to stand together as a human race, collectively moving out of the bonds of slavery of an old Financial System and embarking upon a new day, a new revelation, a new road forged in the triumph of the human spirit daring to dream the impossible dream. As we cross over into a land where the landscape is paved with gold, let us do so with an unwavering spirit.

This new land is filled with creativity, opportunity, and a promise to take us all on a journey never seen before in history. To take this journey, it will require the entire human race to hold hands with one another no matter the color of our skin and reach out into a place where hands can no longer touch and find just ahead of us one reaching back from the Heavens itself.

Such is the case when we reach out into the place where Angels fear to tread and forge a path out of nothingness while literally creating new pathways into a future where faith, hope, and love are the new rules of the game.  

Join with me today, as we take this journey as a Global Nation to discover what it is to be truly human through the Divine qualities of our being knowing no limits to what is possible and discovering along the way what we were intended to be since the beginning of time itself.

© Goldilocks

The dream continues…

© Goldilocks


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