Goldilocks’ Comments and Global Economic News Monday Evening 4-8-24


Goldilocks’ Comments and Global Economic News Monday Evening 4-8-24

Good Evening ,

“Enthusiastic members of the XRP community are rejoicing over a recent development that could significantly influence the future of the Ripple-supported token. A fresh research paper by the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) has reinforced the classification of XRP as a utility token, aligning with a U.S. federal court ruling in July 2023.”

Today, the European Union begins testing it’s instant payment service on MICA. It is expected that Ripple is a part of this transaction due to its ability to transact two assets between each other within seconds.

This makes Ripple a recognized Network capable of making instant payment settlements possible. Europe is currently testing and regulating the new Global Crypto Standards and/or Regulations that will apply to digital economies wherever they are.

I do find this interesting that a change of this magnitude is happening on the same day as an eclipse. An eclipse symbolizes hidden truths being revealed and a movement into higher learning.  TimesTabloid
Times of India    Crypto Weekly

This truly is a Biblical moment.

© Goldilocks


Economy News – Baghdad

The Central Bank of Iraq decided to launch Enjaz bonds worth 1.5 trillion dinars in implementation of the Financial Budget Law for the years 2023-2025.

According to a document, issued by the Central Bank, obtained by “Economy News”, “the issuance of public debt bonds is offered to the public in the name of completion bonds in the amount of 1.5 trillion dinars,” noting that the Central Bank issues this bond on behalf of the Ministry of Finance.

The document confirmed that the bonds in the first two categories 500 thousand dinars at an interest of 6.5% per year are paid every 6 months for two years while the second One million dinars with an interest of 8.5% paid every six months for four years.

The sale of the bonds begins on April 15, 2024 to May 15, 2024, the document added.

Injaz bonds are the highest benefit after the reconstruction and build bonds, which reached an interest rate of 7% per year.    Search4Dinar


“EBA analysis found that the models used by banks produce a lower risk rating for high carbon than low carbon sectors.”

The European Banking Authority is finding that capital requirements need to shift from outdated fossil fuel regulatory preferences to newly updated risk assets that will carry us into the future.

The new tokenized assets in process of being regulated will help bridge this gap and make this transition in the energy sector of the market a possibility.

As these new Banking and Market reforms are adjusted, we will see new ratio and price developments form inside the new digital economy. It will allow us to interface new price arrangements on the QFS.

Regulation Asia   CNBC

© Goldilocks


The “energy sector” is currently in reforms inside the new banking system. When these new prices are adjusted to meet ratios capable of moving us into future prices, they will be able to be correlated/interfaced onto the new digital markets.

This is a major component of our economy, and it’s repricing event will enable us to have a foundation going forward to support the global economy.

Look for new prices in gold, silver, and gas to solar to form on the debt clock. These foundational aspects of our economy have to be formulated to help us move forward inside of a revalued market based on new digital assets that will carry us forward.   FT    US Debt Clock

© Goldilocks


Message from Sam Oliver on GOLD

2024 Apr 8 Sam Oliver on Gold


Remember, the Central Banks are the buyers of last resorts. As the CB steps in to buy Gold when the Retail Market no longer can, it will be a signal the currencies have reached a bottom enabling them to utilize Gold as a standard that can now be calculated in bringing the Currency Market back up into real values. This is the Global Currency Reset.       Wikipedia.

© Goldilocks


One last thing, when the price of gold is so high that only the Central Banks can begin to control the price of it over the retail Market, it will be a good time for them to be able to change prices under a managed float under fixed rates of gold allowing them to synchronize gold to new (digital) currency values.

© Goldilocks


All roads lead to digital gold, and digital gold will set us free.

© Goldilocks


Cross-Border Payment Announcement:

A report from the World Bank back in 2021 has resurfaced, under which it identified Ripple’s XRP and Stellar’s XLM as ideal stablecoins for cross-border payments

World Bank claimed in its report that the two tokens “enable faster and more efficient cross-border payments relative to correspondent banking.” |  Crypto-News-f    Flash


LONDON, April 4 (Reuters) – Global securities watchdog IOSCO on Thursday proposed detailed guidance on how regulators should supervise stock exchanges more closely to negate risks from changes in business practices. | MSN

The instant payments regulation will allow people to transfer money within ten seconds at any time of the day, including outside business hours, not only within the same country but also to another EU member state. The regulation takes into consideration particularities of non-euro area entities. |  Consilium Europa


Jamie Dimon Issues an Economic Warning | NY Times


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