Important files that Al-Sudani is discussing with the German Siemens: It works in electricity and has an eye on associated gas

Important files that Al-Sudani is discussing with the German Siemens: It works in electricity and has an eye on associated gas

On Saturday, the German corporation Siemens and the Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, spoke about a number of matters, including the potential for growth in the electrical energy distribution and transmission industry as well as related gas investments.

“Al-Sudani received the CEO of Siemens International Energy Company, Christian Bruch, on the sidelines of his participation in the Munich Security Conference 2024,” according to a statement from the Prime Minister’s Media Office that was obtained by

“The projects Siemens had been working on in Iraq were reviewed, along with ways to expedite work. The joint memorandum of understanding between the company and the Ministry of Oil regarding investing in associated gas and developing Iraq’s capabilities in this crucial field, was also studied during the meeting,” the statement continued.

“The prospects available to develop the distribution and energy transmission sector within the Iraqi electrical network were discussed during the meeting,” he went on.

In the statement, the prime minister made note of the fact that “development of all its sectors is the only way to bring about the desired development in the electrical network, and efforts and plans must not be limited to developing production alone.”