Imtidad: Political parties and parliamentary blocs hinder the questioning of five ministers in the Iraqi government

Imtidad: Political parties and parliamentary blocs hinder the questioning of five ministers in the Iraqi government

On Saturday, the parliamentary bloc known as “Imtidad” exposed the impact of political parties and parliamentary blocs on the presidency of the Council of Representatives. This influence has impeded the interrogation of several ministers in the present federal government, led by Mohammed Shia Al Sudani.

According to Haider Al-Salami, the head of the bloc, there have been between four to five requests for questioning submitted by members of the Council of Representatives to the Council’s presidency. However, he believes that these requests may not be easily approved due to factors such as the nature of the minister being questioned, the questions raised, and partisan influence.

“The current government’s ministers belong to political parties and blocs. Undoubtedly, these parties and blocs have a direct influence on the presidency of the Council of Representatives. This influence results in the delay and obstruction of questioning its ministers, through the members of these parties and blocs, as well as the committees chaired by them,” explained the speaker.

According to Al-Salami, the interrogator must submit a request for questioning, which must be signed by members of the Council of Representatives. The questions should also be included in the request and the Council’s presidency will review the requests and determine the date of the questioning.