Integrity: Severe imprisonment for former directors of municipalities of Babylon and Hillah for violating their job duties

Integrity: Severe imprisonment for former directors of municipalities of Babylon and Hillah for violating their job duties

The Federal Integrity Commission made the announcement today, Saturday, that the former directors of the municipalities of Babylon and Hillah Municipality have been given two in absentia rulings that carry severe prison sentences; for doing something that goes against their job responsibilities intentionally.

The Hillah Misdemeanor Court, which is specialized in examining integrity cases, issued a ruling in absentia against the former director of Babil Municipalities, the convicted (Ahmed Mohsen Nasser), which stipulates severe imprisonment for two years, according to a statement from the Commission’s Media and Government Communication Office. because he broke the rules of his job by giving residential plots of land to members of one of the security forces in Babil because they were hurt; in disobedience to the law.”

In the statement, it was stated that “the Hillah Misdemeanor Court sentenced in absentia the fugitive convict (Haider Hassan Abdul Aswad), the former director of the Hillah Municipality, to two years of hard labor, for the case of his removal of (2,500 m2) of crushed gravel from the total quantity prepared by a contracting office for the benefit of the Hillah Municipality Directorate, and disposing of it before receiving those materials in violation with the aim of helping an individual to the detriment of the state.”

He went on to say that, “the court, after reviewing the evidence and proofs obtained in the two cases, reached the full conviction of the defendants’ negligence, so it decided to convict them and sentence them to severe imprisonment in absentia,” in accordance with Article 331 of the Penal Code, in addition to granting the Diwan of the Babylon Governorate and the Directorates of the Municipalities of Hillah and Al-Qasim the authority to review the civil courts; to request remuneration, and it gave a capture and court order against the convicts, and put a preparatory seizure on their mobile and steadfast resources.”