Iraq aims to sustain oil production, flared gas utilization

Iraq aims to sustain oil production, flared gas utilization

Hayan Abdul-Ghani, the minister of oil for Iraq, reaffirmed on Tuesday that the ministry’s objectives are to maximize the strategic reserve of petroleum products, use flared gas, and continue producing and exporting crude oil.

During his visit to the technical department of the ministry, Abdul-Ghani made the following remarks: “The Iraqi Oil Ministry is operating in accordance with a vision aiming to sustain and increase the country’s production of crude oil, petroleum products, and gas.”

The plan of the ministry is to fulfill domestic consumption demands, optimize petroleum product reserves, and sustain oil export rates to international markets, according to the Iraqi Oil Minister.

Abdul-Ghani emphasized the need of collaboration between the Oil Ministry’s many departments as well as the initiatives taken by pertinent authorities to improve performance and achieve the ministry’s goals.

The ministry’s desire to assist the public and private sectors by supplying the fuels required to maintain the industrial and agricultural sectors’ operations and meet their needs was also stressed by the minister of oil.