Iraq News Highlights and Points To Ponder Wednesday AM 7-24-24


Causing A Huge Financial Inflation.. Al-Saadi Identifies A Parliamentary “Point Of Contention” Regarding The Drug Law

Policy  2024-07-24 |404 views Alsumaria News – Special:  Today, Wednesday, the Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, Murtada Al-Saadi, revealed the most prominent differences with the Parliamentary Health Committee regarding the Drug Law, while he pointed out the position of the Ministry of Interior regarding the naming of the law.

Al-Saadi told Sumaria News: “I submitted the drug law proposal at the beginning of the session and we worked on it for more than a year. There were many hostings and its first reading was completed after our efforts with the parliamentary health committee”

He added that “there is a point of disagreement about naming the site and whether it will be an agency, a commission or a directorate,” indicating that “the legal committee stresses that it should remain a general directorate for drugs and this is an important part.”

He pointed out that “parties in the Ministry of Interior are working hard to make it a body, and we objected to it because it will cause significant inflation and save huge sums of money, which will result in flabbiness like the rest of the bodies.”

He explained that “the committee is now with the Ministry of Health and the vision is one to proceed with preparing the report and working to complete this important law and withdraw all the observations submitted by the representatives.”

Earlier this month, the head of the Parliamentary Health Committee,    Majid Shankali, said that “the committee will work during the current legislative session on the first amendment   to the Narcotics Law of 2017.” LINK

President Of The Republic: Iraq Is Politically, Security-Wise And Economically Stable And Supports Human Rights

Time: 2024/07/23 Reading: 169 times

President of the Republic: Iraq is politically, security-wise and economically stable and supports h Screenshot-gallery-97 

{Politics: Al Furat News} President of the Republic Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid confirmed today, Tuesday, that Iraq seeks to develop its relations positively with various countries of the world, based on the stability it is witnessing on the security, political and economic levels.

The Presidency of the Republic stated in a statement received by {Al Furat News}, that “Rashid received at the Baghdad Palace, the German Federal Ambassador Christine Hohmann, the Chargé d’Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Laetitia Van Asch, the Canadian Chargé d’Affairs Marie Therese Hilal, in addition to the Political Advisor to the Embassy of the United Kingdom Angus Clarkson.”

The President of the Republic pointed out that “the Iraqi government is working on developing comprehensive plans to rehabilitate and operate factories and plants, and attract investors due to the existence of equal and promising opportunities for companies to invest in Iraq through vital and developmental projects, especially since Iraq today enjoys political, security and economic stability.”

He stressed, “Iraq’s efforts in combating violence against women and children, finding solutions to the issues of displaced persons, supporting human rights in general, and the means to activate joint international cooperation in this field,”

noting that “Iraq cares about and supports human rights in a distinctive way, and supports its principles and adopts them as a basis for legislating its laws and organizing community work, as all complaints in this regard receive attention and follow-up from the Presidency of the Republic and the relevant authorities.”

In turn, representatives of diplomatic missions expressed their happiness with the “development taking place in Iraq,” stressing “their countries’ keenness to support Iraq’s stability and expand the horizons of cooperation with it in various fields.”  LINK

Parliamentary Investment: Approval Of The Arbitration Law Will Protect Foreign Capital From Sanction

Economy  Information / Baghdad ..   Member of the Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee, MP Mohammed Al-Ziyadi, confirmed today, Tuesday, that the approval of the arbitration law will protect foreign capital from international financial sanctions.

Al-Ziyadi said in a statement to / Al-Maalouma / agency, “Tomorrow’s session will witness the first reading of the arbitration law, which is a step towards activating commercial investment in Iraq.”

He pointed out that “Iraq is in dire need of approving this law because it will open up horizons for commercial cooperation and investment of funds, in addition to thinking about ways that help attract investors and capital.”

Al-Ziyadi stressed the “necessity of not touching the foundations of the state and the integration of government institutions.”

It is noteworthy that the Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives included the first reading paragraph of the draft arbitration law in its session that will be held tomorrow, Wednesday. LINK

The Government Approves A Package Of New Decisions

Economy  ,  07/24/2024 10:23  , Number of readings: 162 Baghdad – Iraq Today:  The Iraqi Council of Ministers approved a package of decisions in various economic and service sectors, most notably the construction of dozens of schools in a number of governorates.

The Prime Minister’s Media Office stated in a statement that the Council held its thirtieth regular session chaired by Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, during which the general situation in the country was discussed, and the implementation of the government program priorities was followed up. The session reviewed the most important files related to development and economic aspects, as well as considering the topics on the agenda, and making decisions about it.

Al-Sudani stressed that the ministries and security agencies must rely on what is available at the Military Industrialization Authority, especially since the equipment and products it produces conform to standards and at an appropriate cost, which represents an essential factor in achieving autonomy.

He stressed that these industries could be a base for developing multiple civil industries, because part of the factories serve civil ministries, including the electrical transformer rehabilitation factory.

1- Increasing the total cost of the project (acquisition of the plot of land numbered (5686/1) m 43, Yaramjah al-Sharqiya/Mosul, Nineveh Governorate)/Ministry of Justice.

2- Approval of the amount of the increase due on undisbursed dues, within Cabinet Resolution 301 of 2021, in (Contract 1 Direct Invitation/2012), a project to build (251) school buildings, using the prefabricated concrete construction method, in the governorates except Baghdad.

In the project contract (4/assignment/2012), which includes the construction of (73) schools using the prefabricated concrete construction method in the governorates of Baghdad and Babylon, with (60) schools in Baghdad and (13) in Babylon. In the draft contract (1/assignment/2012), the construction of (65) schools in place of those in danger of collapse, of various capacities, using the prefabricated concrete construction method, with (20) in Babylon, (41) in Muthanna, and (4) in Diwaniyah.

3- Approving the amount of the increase in the total costs and the reserve percentage for the projects recorded in the letter of the Ministry of Planning, dated July 8, 2024, which includes the previously executed spare orders, which are required to be implemented ( the second phase), and the spare orders resulting from the amount of uncompleted works in accordance with the decision of the Council of Ministers (301 For the year 2021).

4- Increasing the amount of reserve for the contract (construction of the North Tikrit Bridge) and its approaches (first phase) within the project (construction of the Tikrit Concrete Bridge (North Tikrit Bridge) and its approaches).

8- Increasing the amount of reserve and the total cost of the main project (paving streets in the center of Basra Governorate with sidewalks, number 7).

In the course of treatments for the electric power sector, the Council of Ministers approved the recommendation of the Central Committee for Review and Approval of Referral in the Ministry of Electricity, regarding the signing of a contract addendum with BFT Company within the investment plan, which Includes the design, equipping and implementation of electric power transmission lines by the concerned company, according to the following: 1-

Adopting the prevailing standard costs that serve the interest of the Ministry of Electricity.

2- Determine the lines that will be implemented within the contract, after obtaining the necessary approvals, provided that they do not exceed the contractual financial ceiling specified in the contract annex, and only mention the total lengths of the lines.

3- BFT Company shall bear the previous bank commissions, while the General Company for Electricity Transmission/Central Region shall bear the integrity and accuracy of contractual procedures, in accordance with laws, regulations and instructions.

Within the framework of developing and supporting the national industry, the Council approved the recommendations of the minutes of the meeting of the Dry Gas Committee for Investment Projects, regarding (Khor Al-Zubair Fertilizer Factory/ Southern Fertilizers General Company, Abu Al-Khaseeb Fertilizer Project/ Under Referral Procedures, and New Projects), taking into account the comments of the Minister of Industry and Minerals at the minutes, including:

1- Determining the price of dry gas supplied to the Southern Fertilizers Factory: 50 dinars/mqm, for the General Company line, and the partnership line with the private sector, and the price of gas for the attached projects shall be 75 dinars/mqm, and the new projects that are announced shall be according to a price equation agreed upon between the Ministries of Oil and Industry, and with the approval of the Ministerial Council for the Economy.

2- The Ministry of Oil is committed to allocating and equipping new industrial projects planned to be established in partnership with the private sector, by public companies in the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, with quantities of dry gas, according to the need of those projects for quantities, and according to a timetable for equipping, and at prices that achieve the economic feasibility of establishing those projects, and the quantities and prices are regulated through an agreement between the Ministries of Oil and Industry, and with the approval of the Ministerial Council for the Economy.

3- The Ministry of Industry and Minerals shall restore the economic balance of the partnership contracts that have been concluded, or that are under contract to establish new industrial projects, by renegotiating with the companies participating with it, to reach an economically feasible formula that ensures the continuation and continuation of implementation, in a manner that does not harm the interests of both parties.

The Council of Ministers approved the recommendations of the competent authority in the Ministry of Industry and Minerals (Industrial Development and Organization Department), based on the Iraqi Products Protection Law (11 of 2010) amended, as follows:

1- Extending the imposition of an additional customs duty of 65% of the unit of measurement of the product (plastic ampoules), imported to Iraq from all countries of origin, for a period of 4 years and without reduction.

2- Imposing an additional customs duty of 30% of the unit of measurement of a product (aluminum cans for soft drinks, juices and energy drinks).

3- The Ministry of Finance/General Authority of Customs shall apply the customs duty on the aforementioned products and notify the Ministry of Industry and Minerals/Department of Industrial Development and Organization, with a periodic notification about the imported quantities, the value of the additional duties on the imported foreign product, the exporting countries and the importing entities.

In the oil sector file, the Council of Ministers approved the recommendation of the Ministerial Council for Energy (24062 T) for the year 2024 regarding the authority to purchase and implement, which includes raising the authority to purchase and implement the Oil Projects Company for the project (the connecting pipeline network for the unit/FCC, in the Basra refinery), from 100 million dinars to 500 million dinars, based on the instructions to facilitate the implementation of the Federal General Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq (1 of 2023 ).

The Council approved the recommendation of the Ministerial Council for the Economy (24225 Q), regarding the approval of the report of the committee formed in accordance with the Diwani Order (24573 of 2024), issued by the Office of the Prime Minister, regarding studying the economics of the oil and gas sector in Iraq, leading to approving and showing the real costs along the way. The value chain, according to economic principles.

In the process of developing the infrastructure of border crossings to receive visitors and expatriates, the Council of Ministers approved the Ministry of Finance allocating an amount of (5) billion dinars to Wasit Governorate from the emergency reserve, based on the provisions of the Federal General Budget Law (13 of 2023), for the rehabilitation and establishment of a “transport square.”

 Visitors at the Zurbatiyah border crossing with its annexes, in a regular, geometric manner befitting the status of Iraq and the reception of visitors.

The Council also approved the Ministry of Finance allocating an amount of (7) billion dinars to Maysan Governorate from the emergency reserve, in accordance with the provisions of the General Budget Law, for the purpose of urgent rehabilitation of the Al-Shayb border crossing, Including the establishment of 3 squares, in preparation for the influx of visitors to the holy shrines on the fortieth anniversary of Imam Hussein. ‘

Maysan Governorate should follow the direct invitation method, as an exception to the instructions for implementing government contracts (2 of 2014) for the purpose of implementation, and assigning Maysan Governorate to implement the project (establishing the new Al-Shayb border crossing) in a turnkey format, as an exception to the controls attached to the instructions for implementing government contracts.

The Council also approved the Ministry of Finance allocating an amount of (3.5) billion dinars to Diyala Governorate from the emergency reserve, based on the Federal General Budget Law, for the purpose of rehabilitating the Al-Mundhiriya border crossing, in preparation for receiving visitors , and authorizing Diyala Governorate to have direct implementation authority for the purpose of implementing the project, and it includes (Project Establishment of the new Al-Mundhiriya border crossing) within Diyala Governorate’s allocations from the Liberated Governorates Reconstruction Fund.

In this regard, and in order to benefit from the experience of the Supreme Authority for Hajj and Umrah in the processes of delegation and reverse delegation; The Council approved the following:

1. Authorizing the Authority to contract with private transport companies for the purpose of renting (2000) buses, as an exception to the Government Contracts Implementation Instructions No. (2) of 2014, and the controls attached there for the purpose of transporting visitors to Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) during the fortieth visit. The Ministry of Finance allocates the required amount from the budget of the Prime Minister’s Office.

2. Reducing the percentage of tax withheld from contracted transport companies on contracts concluded from (3%) to (1%), according to the authority vested in the Ministry of Finance.

3. Approval of the guarantees submitted to the Supreme Authority for Hajj and Umrah by the companies to be contracted with, in accordance with the fundamental mechanisms and procedures followed by the Authority for contracting purposes.

4. Approval of subscription receipts for companies to be contracted with in the Department of Labor and Social Security.

5. The Supreme Authority for Hajj and Umrah is responsible for the validity and safety of contractual procedures, and the Prime Minister’s Office forms committees to follow up and monitor the work mechanism.

In order to develop the work of the Iraqi air system and raise its level of efficiency, the Council agreed to exempt the General Company for Airport and Air Navigation Management from contracting methods and instructions for implementing government contracts (2 of 2014), in implementing projects related to developing the infrastructure for special devices and equipment for air traffic management systems.

Navigation, radars, air guidance and automated landing systems, communications for air navigation and cybersecurity systems, as well as what is related to restructuring Iraqi air routes,

 linking them to the global network of neighboring countries, transforming the navigation system in Iraq, and reducing the longitudinal separation between aircraft, which contributes to increasing the density of aircraft movement. In the Iraqi airspace, it maximizes the company’s resources.

It was approved to authorize the Ministry of Education to contract, in a direct referral manner, with the Iraqi Media Network and the House of Cultural Affairs in the Ministry of Culture, to complete the printing of school curricula.

The Council authorized the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works to choose the appropriate agreement method, as an exception to Government Contracts Implementation Instructions No. (2 of 2014) for the purpose of repairing the minaret of the Al-Khalifa Mosque.

It was also approved to exempt the Central Agency for Standardization and Quality Control from the provisions of Article Seven of Instructions No. (1 of 2023), the provisions to facilitate the implementation of the Federal General Budget Law, with regard to purchasing and equipping laboratories with the devices, equipment, and laboratory supplies necessary for the work of the device, based on the aforementioned instructions.    LINK