These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Pimpy :
No, the rate won’t be reinstated at $3.22. Instead, it will be adjusted up or down in increments. We don’t know yet, so don’t get too excited.
According to Intel Guru Frank26 :
The following is a statement from a person referred to as “Firefly”, who seems to have mixed feelings about the current situation in Iraq. When asked whether he is optimistic or frustrated, Firefly replied that he is both. On one hand, he feels optimistic because he has heard positive reports from Sudani and the CBI (Central Bank of Iraq) about the progress being made in the country. According to Firefly, he can now go to a bank in Iraq and ask questions, and the staff will answer him directly. On the other hand, Firefly is also frustrated because he wonders why it is taking so long for the changes to take effect. He mentions that it is already January and this process should have started earlier in the year. He feels that there is a hold up that is causing unnecessary delays, and he wants to know why the process is taking so long.
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :
I have noted the following message: “[via PDK] Comment: Another intel provider said the redemption center staff are on 45 min. notice to show up for work. MarkZ: I am definitely hearing they are on call for an hour or less to get to work according to 3 different contacts I have.”
According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :
“The government of Iraq has announced a new role for its banking sector in financing foreign trade for the private sector. This move is in accordance with the approved international standards. The emphasis on the private sector shows that the government is committed to promoting its growth and development. This is a significant step for Iraq, as it indicates that they did not have such measures in place before. The announcement is a positive development for the country’s economy.”
According to Iraqi Dinar Guru Nader From The Mid East :
Many people are discussing the circulation of the dinar. Some say it’s 120 trillion, while others say it’s 170 trillion. The circulation of the dinar has been decreasing since last April. You can see it going down by billions each month. Some people are worried that there are too many dinars out there and that the dinar is disappearing slowly. Last year, the dinar went down by 156 billion and 160 billion each month.
According to Newshound Guru Kaperoni :
It is impossible for Iraq to revalue the Iraqi dinar with 120 trillion dinars in circulation, as no country could afford it. Iraq’s total net worth is only around $16 trillion dollars.
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Clare :
On Monday, Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani left Baghdad for Switzerland to participate in the 54th session of the Davos Economic Forum.
According to Intel Guru MarkZ :
According to a message received via PDK, there are high expectations in the banking world due to the upcoming 3-day weekend. However, there is a lot of speculation being discussed that may not be verifiable. What we do know is that Iraq is currently taking steps to reduce the money supply and support a higher value by getting dinar out of circulation. Additionally, they are making strategic moves to increase the value of the dinar compared to the US dollar.
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Pimpy :
“Why is the Iraqi dinar so unstable?” you may ask. The answer lies in their heavy reliance on oil sales, which make up a staggering 95% of their budget. Many people mistakenly believe that the abundance of oil in Iraq should make their currency more valuable, but this is not the case. In fact, the Central Bank of Iraq had to devalue the dinar in December 2020 due to the sharp drop in global crude prices, which could have led to economic collapse given Iraq’s heavy dependence on oil exports. It is important to understand that the devaluation was necessary to prevent such a collapse from happening.”
According to Newshound Guru tishwash :
Iraq has returned to the World Trade Organization after being expelled for 14 years. The country is working towards regaining its position as a strong economic player by establishing relationships with Arab countries and the rest of the world. According to a statement, Iraq has achieved a lot in one year, which is equivalent to more than a decade of work.
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :
“I believe they are not waiting for anything right now. They are moving fast in every aspect of the monetary reform. The next step is to introduce the lower denominations, establish a new exchange rate and allow it to float on an international platform. These subjects are not mere proposals, but are already present in the articles themselves.”
According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :
Some very important, very major players are affected by this. As everyone knows, JP Morgan, CitiBank, and other parties are fully engaged.View the photo of JP Morgan Chase’s vice president conducting business in Iraq.Your ordinary person walks into Chase Bank and doesn’t know what we know because we study, have evidence to back up our claims, and publish public publications that explain our findings.
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :
“I inquired my CBI contact about the targeted exchange rate for the parallel rate of the dollar. Their response was that the aim is to bring it down, at least, to a level close to the “official” CBI rate. It is their goal to achieve a close match between the two rates, with the consultation of IMF and it’s now mandated as per the plan. The committee will be informed to initiate the process of removing the zeros and taking it forward once this is achieved and stabilized.”