Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (03-19-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Newshound Guru Jeff : 

Iraq in fact doesn’t have to alter the financial plan in the event that they’re not changing their rate. The financial plan as of now covers their working costs. However, they would require excess assets to cover the changes. The changes are dependent upon the rate evolving. They can’t present these change bundle in the event that the rate doesn’t change. The main explanation they’re correcting the spending plan is on the grounds that the rate is changing…The step of altering the spending plan can happen either previously or after the rate changes … They will presumably declare Thursday or Friday with respect to when they intend to correct the spending plan, which they’ll most likely do around this end of the week…

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man : 

According to on the off chance that Al-Sudani, the dinar clutch it, it’s going excessively be more grounded than the dollar…$0.76 isn’t more grounded than the dollar. Add the genuine successful conversion scale and you can without much of a stretch move past a dollar…

According to Intel Guru Frank26 : 

Proceeded : I’m insane invigorated your top state leader Al-Sudani and the legislative head of the CBI Alaq and the top managerial staff are continually letting you know they will give you 1.32 dinars to $1 and another conversion standard to coordinate it with lower notes…It seems to be the following fourteen days will be exceptionally clearly on the financial change training. Be prepared to move speedy. [Post 2 of 2]

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 : 

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Bank companion says…Al-Sudani is making a declaration during Ramadan recollect? He’ll go to Washington DC yet after he returns I accept that this rate [1.32 dinar to $1.00} with the cancellation of the zeros will harmonize with the WTO. We are essentially in a commencement. FRANK: …The last commencement. We should roll! I think when they get done with Washington DC and they return, we might see what we’re searching for. [Post 1 of 2….stay tuned]

According to Intel Guru yada : 

Be happy people, this is unfurling before our eyes…what we are expecting is taking place…The articles last week in regards to the 1.32 in Iraq was advising individuals what’s in store. The compensations, contracts, framework are at a point the REER [Real Successful Trade Rate] will enact it all…Today-this evening is generally excellent for us.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Pimpy : 

Erasing of the zeros implies a re-division. Article statement: “The Iraqi government is at present gauging the topic of changing the currency…” CHANGING THE Cash. It didn’t say swapping scale. What is says is money… Definition “Re-category is an administration strategy in improving on cash values without changing the swapping scale.” …In the event that we can inspire them to change the conversion scale without eliminating the zeros then, at that point, we’re enjoying the good life…

According to Newshound Guru Clare : 

The article: “Iron and Steel Company: Iraq is on the verge of a major industrial revolution”

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick : 

Sudani is beginning the financial change schooling by utilizing the authority rate, which is 1320. He’s utilizing 1320 in making sense of the conceivable rate…1.32 to 1 American dollar. IMO the restoration could take that Worldwide rate further…

According to Newshound Guru Jeff : 

One of the significant things Iraq needs to do before they can revalue the cash is they need to stop the entirety of their cash. They need to suspend it. Freeze it. As of Friday both the national bank and the public authority of Iraq stopped and froze all their monies. What’s the significance here to us? …By them suspending all of their monies between the national bank and the public authority that makes this [past] weekend…the first qualified end of the week for Iraq to have the option to revalue the cash…

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man : 

Al-Sudani…talked about having the dinar be 1.32 dinars to the dollar…turns out to be around $0.76. That is a major piece of buying power for the residents. It they will wind up with later on based off every one of the normal assets that they…all the non-oil expanded income…tourism, all the additional stuff you never had when Saddam Hussein was in office? Saddam Hussein’s $3.22 to 1 dinar was based off about $35 a barrel of oil. Oil is pushing $85 today…They have surplus cash coming from this large number of better places…

According to Intel Guru Frank26 : 

[Report from troops on the ground in Iraq] FIREFLY: Last Wednesday, the financing for the entire year 2024 was halted…and then modified.The new exchange rate has to be being used by them. They added that after making the changes, they forwarded it to the Council of Ministers for assessment. After then, a vote in the House is required.It ought to be up for voting at any moment. Until they apply the new exchange rate, we believe it will go to 1.32, making it $0.76, which is not greater than the dollar as Sudani claimed. That’s what we anticipate.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ : 

…I’ve been informed quite clearly that participation is contingent upon whether materials being disseminated or not, which makes sense.

According to Intel Guru Wolverine : 

[through Judy Byington] Latest financier update…Mon. 18 March…Word from those higher ups was that we were in a 24 to 36 hour… window for declaration with Thurs. 21 March…being a significant day for the banks…we know the hour of our approval is moving toward quickly…All is doing great as per ALL sources…

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ : 

[via PDK] I have a lot of banking contacts that are really excited about this week.Many people anticipated statements last night; their ability to execute their value transformation is largely dependent on the electronic platforms’ enormous success. And according to contacts in Iraq, this week is anticipated to see the Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER). By April 1st, most of my Iraqi contacts anticipate it. wishing they were correct.