Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (03-27-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

I believe the United States of America has received full payment; the mission has been completed.I hope Iraq and the United States have reached a consensus on several issues, one of which being the lifting of the financial sanctions.Numerous things are going on. It’s intricate. It is tiresome. Everything has to do with the monetary change.

According to Newshound Guru Pimpy :

Surprise! I in a real sense two or three months prior was looking into the means Iraq needs to take to get back on the Quick framework and it recorded everything saying they were all the while. That is all it said. Obviously they are past the interaction and they’ve had to deal with the cycle since the finish of 2022 start of 2023. Incredible, that is one more large achievement for Iraq. We want to ensure limitations under the cash are lifted. We want for them to get into the World Exchange Association and we want to see them on the Forex. Those things must come soon. This is energizing new for Iraq….

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] The bank tale…One of our group members approached a manager at a Wells Fargo. She questioned whether the recent renovations were done in preparation for their new role as a redemption center. “As a matter of fact, yes,” the manager said. then continued by saying that they must wait for a notice to begin. Since we don’t often hear positive stories from WF, I felt this was a good development.

According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :

Newspaper article: “Fouad Hussein: America avoids talking about sanctions against Iraqi banks” The sanctioned banks were probably those that might have been involved in the century’s worst crime. The news is still centered around the several arrest warrants from the former administration. In any case, the US Treasury has more pressing matters to discuss. Above and beyond energy, they are discussing financial concerns and bank reform! Everything is progressing rather nicely. In the UK and the USA, they are laying the groundwork and educating us along the way. The news of today is really great. It’s incredible.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick :

Iraqi civilians are not exchanging anything for the float. They are trading money for each other. All Iraqi citizens receive is that. All that matters to them is the purchase power of their currency, which is all they receive.

According to Intel Guru Bruce :

[via WiserNow] I believe that this Easter week’s events will be a nice surprise for us.We have a really positive outlook for Thursday.In light of this, it is anticipated that we will begin this week rather than the end of the month, which is excellent news.Guys, I’m looking forward to this week.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram :

The visit of Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani to Washington, DC, on April 15, 2024, is a significant event that is quickly approaching. This important meeting will be hosted by President Biden.Beyond the military, discussions regarding Iraqi financial reforms are also anticipated to take place during the summit.For investors in Iraqi dinar, this conference is crucial for the following reason. Without a question, the US has a stake in these reforms being implemented successfully.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

Al-Sudani signed contracts all across the world, and now those contracts are all being recalculated and changed into dinars.It’s brave of you to do that. Usually, a nation would just say, “Forget you, up yours,” and go on. However, Sudani currently has so much influence and authority that, thanks to the monetary reform’s success, the world would accede to any of his requests on Iraq’s economic reform. At any cost, they all want a piece of Iraq.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu :

This EO has an incredible Dinar Mythology around it.It makes absolutely NO mention of purchasing dinar. George W. Bush of the United States signed Executive Order 13303 on May 22, 2003, to safeguard the Development Fund for Iraq for the country’s reconstruction. Executive Order 13303 also lifts the development fund-related sanctions outlined in Executive Orders 12722, 12724, and 13290. EO 13303 essentially offers an incredibly wide legal protection to any contractors and mercenaries engaged in any kind of oil-related business in Iraq on behalf of US firms. In order to address the threat to a peaceful rebuilding of Iraq, the Executive Order also proclaims a national emergency. Since then, US Presidents have renewed the order annually, most recently in May 2023.

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] Meetings are being held in the UN in New York and in Washington, DC, with Iraqi ministers. Sudani won’t be here till April 15th.However, I don’t think they would act on him if he weren’t in his own nation. Comment: After he departs on April 15, IMO Sudani will not be returning to boost rates.I believe he is celebrating since it will RV before he arrives. MarkZ: That’s what I believe will occur. Based on what I’m hearing, my instinct tells me that the deadline is somewhere between now and next Wednesday, but no one knows for sure. I’m feeling very good about it, for sure.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Pimpy :

As said by the community: “George W. Bush once said the war will eventually pay for itself.” That was, in fact, Paul Wolfowitz. Although he was employed by the Bush administration, George Bush did not say that.

According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :

Article: “Contributing Iraq’s normal abundance is a stage towards monetary incorporation”. The following stage to mix is here. The gauge of $16-17 trillion in stock capital without anyone else is huge. The regulation has been set up for Iraq to utilize their leader position to collaborate with the confidential sector…That will grow their abundance significantly further. They will do precisely exact thing they said they would do and bring buy capacity to their residents and likewise to financial backers in and of the Iraqi Dinar. The dinar will be more grounded than the dollar and Al-Sudani knows it, Al-Alaq, Taif Sami, Fuad Hussein and the entire MCOE knows it, I sure do as well! … No more dependence on oil is staying put…

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Clare :

The article: “Natural resources in Iraq…a huge treasure neglected by a “official decision”!” Unfair government judgments have cost Iraq billions of dollars in income.It possesses minerals, phosphate, sulfur, oil, and natural gas, among other natural resources.Based on estimates, Iraq’s natural resource wealth might be worth up to 16 trillion dollars. This places Iraq in a unique league among the world’s resource-rich nations.For instance, phosphate exports from Iraq, which has 9% of the world’s phosphate deposit, may bring in tens of billions of dollars each year for the country’s coffers.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

Your Iraqi dinars won’t be exchanged by any bank. The wealth management divisions are responsible. As an illustration, the Chase system uses JP Morgan. Chase won’t give you back your dinar. The JP Morgan Company is…

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru RayRen98 :


According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] It might be here by Easter.The news is excellent.Currently in Washington, DC, is a delegation of Iraqi foreign ministers. By the middle of the week, we anticipate that they will declare that the “sanctions” have been lifted. I got my information from the DC beltway. The moment the sanctions are withdrawn ought to be “GO” time.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :

Article: “IRAQ IS 10th On the planet IN Regular Asset Stores..” Statement: “Iraq was positioned among the main ten nations having the most important regular asset holds, concerning complete assessed incentive for the beyond 3 years.” Alright, so on the off chance that this is important for the Basel IV money valuation calculation, where is it reflected in the pace of the dinar? For what reason is it still 1/6 of a penny? People is simply has neither rhyme nor reason. The IMF and the US Depository are misleadingly stifling the pace of the dinar. Recall Worth and RATE are two unique things and the worth ought to be reflected really in the rate…