Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (04-1-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Pimpy :

It truly looks really great for the fate of Iraq. Beyond the defilement that is in the public authority. In the event that they can remain on the way, Al-Sudani gets a make way to proceed, the future for Iraq’s economy looks great. They ought to see some period of prosperity as long as the planning structure and those political individuals that are in power can some way or another move or eliminated from office out and out…

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

You’re not going to a bank run by mom and dad. You are not going to visit a tiny bank. It is not your intention to visit a credit union. You are not going to use the airport kiosk. Since it’s in international waters, you won’t be taking a cruise ship in the middle of the Pacific to convert money and avoid paying taxes. How foolish that is. You are heading to a state bank, I believe.

According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :

If investors were going to lose money in Iraq, then why in the world would they want to put their money there? Because investing in Iraq and having them LOP their currency would not profit you financially; it is a neutral occurrence.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick :

[Report from #1 – our assessment and that of his Iraqi bank owner buddy] The HCL is long overdue! Finished with Article 140 and the contested regions! The initial redenomination has been completed! Waiting just for everything to be released and put into action.

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] Does Sudani’s obligation to travel to the United States on April 15th imply that nothing will happen on the RV until then or after? MarkZ: A lot of people think he could be visiting the US for his “victory lap” following the RV.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Clare :

Article: “Al-Shammari uncovers the most unmistakable records of Sudanese’s visit to Washington and the public authority’s aspiration in regards to the dollar” Statement: ” Al-Sudani’s visit to Washington will be pragmatic and won’t be for taking pictures…The Iraqi assignment will get some information about the explanations behind their choices to force sanctions on Iraqi banks… Our assumptions are that the visit will be very successful…”

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Ramadan is over on the eighth. Then we have EID occasion from the eighth to the fourteenth and afterward on the fifteenth Sudani should go to Washington D.C…It’s opportunity to get somewhat energized…

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu :

It is very evident that the HCL has goals to classify the issue of government assistance (not really for government) and the number 1 issue is Income SHARING. More specifically; Area 1314 of the FY2007 Supplemental Apportionments Act [P.L.110-28] explicitly recognized the sanctioning and execution of regulation “to guarantee the impartial dispersion of hydrocarbon assets of individuals of Iraq regardless of the faction or identity of beneficiaries” and “to guarantee that the energy assets of Iraq benefit Sunni Bedouins, Shia Middle Easterners, Kurds, and other Iraqi residents in an evenhanded way” as benchmarks. [Post 2 of 2]

According to Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu :

[Reaction to Pimpy’s HCL non-income sharing post from 3-31-2024 below] The thought of income sharing is the same old thing in the Center East. Bruni and Kuwait both do it…Revenue Watch Center East Chief Yahia Said as of late gotten back from a while in Iraq chipping away at the Global Conservative with the UN…This USIPeace Preparation sums up the conversation. Numerous Iraqi residents seek the law for what it can add to compromise, security, and government assistance. The three pieces of the understanding will manage the issues of 1) income sharing; 2) rebuilding of the service of oil; what’s more, 3) laying out the Iraqi Public Oil Organization (INOC). [Post 1 of 2….stay tuned]

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Pimpy :

Remark from the Community: “It’s the exchange rate. I’m not sure how they manage to remove the zeros from the invoices.” Every study that has been done on the removal of zeros from bank notes claims that this is the case.Should the zeros be removed, your 25,000 will only be worth 25 dinars. The zeros will be removed from [the rate as well], making.00076 the result.76…the same amount remains. Your purchasing power remains same despite the smaller note.

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] “In 2023, the banking system in Iraq expands by 15.1% to reach $158.7 billion.” That jump is quite large. This is a step in the process of getting their money back. As more individuals store their money in banks rather than beneath mattresses, deposits are rising.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

Things are going to change if they’re ending the auctions as we know them. They’re indicating that they’re moving. To quote: “The bank said it would stop the platform at the beginning of the year…” but then they moved to next Monday, April 1. It’s an exciting time to be sure.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

The article: “Al-Shammari reveals the most prominent files of Sudanese’s visit to Washington and the government’s ambition regarding the dollar” The program rate will be replaced by the financial files. Translation: “The government is planning to reduce the dollar to the official rate.” It takes time, but this is certain.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Texas Snake :

The following is what my banker recently told me: “As per our information, all requirements have been satisfied globally, and announcements will take place in the coming week. Therefore, the latest message to all regional currency exchange managers is to advise your specialists to be available for duty in the week following the Easter weekend.Please take note that we have previously received notifications of this kind; hopefully, more delays won’t occur.