Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (3-06-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Newshound Guru Pimpy :

Being admission to the World Trade Organization will be a big step…This is why I believe the Iraqi dinar will rise in value gradually. Once it gets underway, I foresee it moving at a rapid speed.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

Article: “The Dinar and the Dollar” Remember, Al Sudani promised that the Iraq dinar will regain its high economic worth since it was stronger than the dollar. Some issues are resurfacing. This is Muhammad Rasheed, and he’s discussing the national currency…the dinar. He claims that the economic world is seeing a qualitative surge in awareness. A lot of people throughout the world are finding this out, and it will soon replace the dollar. So the dinar will become stronger. Al-Sudani informed us that…this person Muhammad Rasheed is holding his feet to the fire…

According to Guest Guru Fiat Padawan :

[Reply to Frank26’s dinar on Forex post from 3-5-2024 below] …The core charting technology comes from TradingView…This program supports a wide range of markets and goods. You must be cautious about what you provide in the search criteria…”USDIQD” is not the same as “USD/IQD”. The first pertains to the FX market, while the latter is about index funds. In actuality, as index funds, “USD” is “ProShares Ultra Semiconductors” (pre-market trading at about $100) and “IQD” is “Wisdomtree International Quality Division Growth Index” (traded at $34.61), thus 100 / 34.61 = 2.89…It has nothing to do with the Iqd money…

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick :

[Iraqi Bank Friend Called #1 Update: He Owns 7 Banks, Two in Jordan] We notified you around two weeks ago that IOO Iraq’s banks will be getting sample sheets/specimens. They were fairly exact images of the lower notes. It turns out that #1 has them.They began to practice and utilize them, but they needed additional assistance, so they asked. You will notice this request on the CBI website, most likely this week, for assistance with the security features in the little notes that they are now practicing counting, sorting, and teaching…The new software will be available to them and the banks within a week.

According to Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu :

[Reply to Guru Frank26’s Dinar on Forex post from 3-5-2024 below] There is no such thing. A) The one-price rule, and B) FOREX has no back or secret side…With that stated, there are platforms in Shanghai and Singapore that are completely uncontrolled. It is the Wild West of commodities trading, and they build investment packages by bundling together a variety of risky assets and trading them. But it isn’t occurring right now, even if it was with the IQD a few years ago…

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Pimpy :

We’ve witnessed an increasing amount of intriguing news throughout the last year. It’s not all chatter and hoopla…This time, we see stories on Iraq’s progress in working and trading with foreign markets. They’re doing everything they can to boost their currency while maintaining stability… Things are going well. They’re actually going much faster than I imagined.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Iraq boots on the ground report] FIREFLY: According to TV, we are now using the greatest and most upgraded international electronic payment system in the world, complete with all security measures, and this is all coming from the CBI… FRANK: The electronic payment system is critical to monetary reform for the float…Notice that everything comes from the CBI, with no negative from anybody else.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK]. I am convinced we are really near.Perhaps now or tomorrow.I’ll accept either…or when we receive it. I am reluctant to become too thrilled.

According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :

Article quote: “Accession [to the WTO] is imminent”…What exactly are they waiting for? …Iraq will have to decide on its genuine effective exchange rate. That’s my viewpoint…Iraq cannot get immediate access to international markets through the World Trade Organization unless it has a Real Effective Exchange Rate. Most of us agree that 1310 is not a truly effective exchange rate.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Pimpy :

There’s a lot of excitement about Iraq entering the World Trade Organization, and properly so. This is one of the significant measures Iraq must take in order to rejoin the international community… Newspaper article “Official: The issue of Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization is coming soon”

According to Guest Guru Suzie :

[Reply to Guru Frank26’s Dinar on Forex after 3-5-2024] Just my opinion, no wiser than a stupid blonde, but I believe we are over-speculating on the Forex market. I’ve done those calculations, as have most others, and my OWN truth is that none of it matters until Iraq reduces the dinar rate to 1-1, at which point I believe the rate will swiftly increase to what we’re all aiming for…

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

I warned you a long time ago that the IMF informed the world that Iraq is in the process of increasing the value of its currency. You may search it up on the IMF’s website. Why don’t they say this about any other currency in the world? Newspaper article: “The International Monetary Fund promises to support the digital transformation in Iraq” The digital revolution will allow the Iraqi dinar to float in the international currency basket.

According to Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :

Newspaper article: “OFFICIAL: THE ISSUE OF IRAQ’S ACCESSION TO THE WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION IS COMING SOON” Specifically, “the issue of Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization was imminent,” ; “Iraq is seeking to enter the World Trade Organization, and the issue is coming soon.”

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK]. The last time I checked [Forex], the dinar was at $2.80. You can’t swap at that point, but it does indicate that things are shifting and something is cooking.