Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (06-14-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Bruce :

[via WiserNow]…according to one of our sources, the budget, which includes the rate of the dinar, will appear in the Gazette on Saturday, come hell or high water. We’re doing well. We’re prepared to leave.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: My bank friend brought back memories of Alaq’s appearance in February of this year, when he addressed us on television and stated, “Iraqi citizens, the project to delete zeros still exists.” He didn’t say the arrangement is to Cut our cash. They are completely distinct things. We are adding value and getting rid of zeros. FRANK: I love this since it’s coming straight from the original source, a man of power who knows what he’s talking about…

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Kaperoni :

The wisest course of action is to allow the currency to float, but only once a varied economy free from reliance on oil has been established.

According to Intel Guru Wolverine :

[via Judy Byington] Some extremely high-ranking sources have advised me to remain patient given that this is taking place. We only need to wait for our turn. It will occur very quickly…

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Bruce :

[via WiserNow]…what we’re hearing from, what I’m going to refer to as some of our military sources, is that we should expect the notifications to be released on Friday or Saturday.

According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :

If the US dollar is worth less than the Iraqi dinar, there will be a black market.The dollar isn’t in very high demand right now.They are in charge of it. Is the show about to start? I sincerely hope so.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Pimpy :

Newspaper article: “Oil slides to four-month lows as OPEC+ deepens bearish sentiment” Where is Iraq’s motivation to raise their exchange rate if oil prices keep dropping?

According to Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :

The International Task Force (FATF) formally declared last week that Iraq had been removed off the list of “high-risk countries.” Yes, this is the BEST news yet, thus “the writing is on the wall.”The removal of Iraq off the list of nations at high risk could not come at a better time. One roadblock at a time, they are gradually removing the way for the restoration.With this in place, they were not going to return the cash to FOREX.Amazing news for us today!

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

Have you seen that Kuwait and Iraq have recently connected by fiber optics? This component of the monetary reform is crucial.They are aware that the current state of the Iraqi dinar’s exchange rate is no longer a mystery.

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] [Referring to the post from June 14, 2024, by Mike Bara] Reassessing? This seemed significant to me.I had got down with some bankers who wanted to train some individuals and go over scenarios with me and my money. And in banking at the time, they used just that phrase. It will be reevaluated.It’s reassessing. The banks refer to things in that way. They make no mention of RV or revaluation. It’s reassessing.

According to Iraqi Dinar Guest Guru Buckeyetree :

Iraq is still undergoing modernization; it currently has banks and fiber optics. A good climate for doing business will be found by investors and firms with banking laws that prevent corruption and terrorism.I’m praying for this to happen in the upcoming “days” or sooner, with blessings to accompany me. Huge ideas for ministries and an enhanced Iraq.

According to Newshound Guru Clare :

Article titled “Kuwait connects its “Fiber” network to Iraq” Quotation: “Iraq will play a significant role in the network’s passage, not just in the Gulf. However, the East Asian countries will associate it with the Egyptian corridor.Because of the events in the Red Sea and the concern that communications through this corridor may be cut off, Iraq has come to the attention of several nations and significant multinational corporations.”

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: They told us that the budget would be reexamined and resubmitted to the gazette after the Eid holiday because of typographical errors. We think this sounds suspicious. An Iranian proxy said the budget was up for appeal, but we don’t see anything official about that. We believe it will be in the gazette after the Eid holiday. Frank: They understand what you are going to get – your buying power. Because they are aware that it will be extremely difficult for them to steal this currency’s value, Sudani and Alaq do everything in their power to prevent you from receiving your blessing just before they present you with the new exchange rate and the lower notes.

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[through PDK] Over the last 4-5 days I have gotten such countless calls from individuals in financial who told me “You are correct they are letting us know it is fast approaching and any second. Prepare yourself to see it soon; we should see it.

According to Iraqi Dinar Guest Guru Mike Bara :

[through PDK] I need to say that this isn’t gossip. I’m not spreading rumors; I know someone who received a call from a high-ranking corporate banking official at a major bank. Additionally, he stated, “You know that thing you have been bugging me about for the last ten years?” And the banker replied, “Well congratulations buddy- your dreams are about to come true!” and “We just got a memo today, a letter from headquarters informing us to Get Ready Right Now because the Iraqi dinar is revaluating extremely soon.” (We all know what it is; it is the RV.) Boom! I don’t know how to judge the phrase “really soon,” other than to say that I believe it means within the next two or three days. We don’t know, but I believe that’s what it means.