These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick :
You are free to cease enquiring about the budget. Everything is at that place. Everything that is relevant to the tripartite budget is there, including cities, smaller notes, new exchange rates, ATMs, contracts, and everything else.It is true…Together with the budget, the GOI also gets the updated exchange rate from the CBI.
According to Newshound Guru Pimpy :
Article titled “Expert likely to keep exchange rates within their current rates” It will take some time to occur. There are still so many obstacles for Iraq to overcome.
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Clare :
Article titled “Government advisor: Global indicators confirm that oil prices will continue to rise until the end of 2025” According to a quote “the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, identified the most important economic gains achieved due to the rise in oil prices, pointing out that global energy market sources indicate that the current rise in oil prices will continue until the end of the year 2025”
According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :
The budget only allows for $70 [per barrel], so they’ve been attempting to figure out how to raise it to $80 in order to spend more money.At above $80, oil prices are expected to continue rising for the next year or year and a half. The article states, “…the global energy market sources indicate the current rise in oil prices will continue until the end of the year 2025.”
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :
[Report on Iraqi boots-on-the-ground] FIREFLY:On television, Saleh said that the CBI’s third strategy phase is a new method that will help Iraqi financial and banking reform, making the bank stronger locally and internationally. FRANK: It’s the new conversion standard and the lower notes…I accept the words Sudani is utilizing with the CBI are words that let the residents know there is another swapping scale in the financial plan without saying those words straightforwardly…
According to Intel Guru MarkZ :
[through PDK] I’m getting immersed with bank contacts advising me to expect that things have previously begun … yet happening as expected in banks after the fourth of July. with an immediate rollout in the following days. I accept the fourth is on a Thursday this year… so I was informed the carry out around the sixth and seventh. The rumor is that. But keep in mind that we do not yet know the timing; however, I am certain receiving a great deal of information from the banking sector indicating that things are currently moving quickly and that this is what they are preparing them for…
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :
I was informed [by a CBI contact] that there was no foreign trade, backdoor, insider trading, or anything else going on with the Iraqi dinar. Any rumors to the contrary are untrue. Investors may acquire Iraqi dinar at the “official CBI rate” by visiting the ISX. Trading on FOREX or any other foreign exchange is not currently available. Since the US Treasury continues to impose sanctions on the currency in the west, investors are now limited in what they may do with the dinar.
According to Newshound Guru Samson :
“Government advisor: Global indicators confirm that oil prices will continue to rise until the end of 2025”
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :
I’m searching for more with my teams—for the budget, for anything related to it. I’m searching for the HCL, the house speaker to be chosen, and the photos and videos to be made public. More information on the ATMs and their contents is what I’m searching for, not just more military or CBI agents. I want to know the new exchange rate and the smaller notes. That’s what we—and, perhaps, you—are searching for.
According to Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu :
Article Citation: “Raed Al-Maliki, a member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee—not to be confused with Nuri Al-Maliki—reviewed the statutes that would be read by the House of Representatives when their parliamentary break ends. Al-Maliki noted, “I do not think they will be advanced during the second legislative term unless the government completes them. The Oil and Gas Law and the Federal Supreme Court Law are basic laws and at the same time they are controversial laws.” The HCL is not a top priority.It’s just not true, despite all the hoopla and conjecture, that the HCL is at the head of the queue.
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :
[via PDK] I have heard from three or four military sources, Reno, and the Treasury. There are rumors all over the place; some say it’s happening now, others say it’s tomorrow, still others say it’s already started, and there’s a concerted effort to cloud timing. In my opinion, it’s encouraging to see them trying in a panic to do so.