Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (06-29-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Iraqi Dinar Guest Guru Suzie :

WTO Document: “FORMAL WORKING PARTY Gatherings 2024 18 July 2024 – THU 18 JUL 10:00 Working Party on the Increase of Iraq” This is uplifting news for Iraq on their promotion to the WTO. Hopefully, a new dinar rate will be available or shown to us by then. Having an international tradable currency is not a “cast in stone” issue, but I certainly would think Iraq WOULD want that for credibility purposes, if nothing else. Although international trade and economics are the important criteria for membership,

According to Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram :

This is the brewing problem that is causing the most anxiety. All oil income paid to OPEC is in US dollars…Iraq’s oil income is gotten by the US Central bank first and afterward designated to Iraq…The reality there are reserved alcove talks over the place of OPEC going ahead leaves [us] worried for Iraq’s Monetary wellbeing particularly to get oil incomes in the dinar cash. Anyway this would be one of the most incredible moves toward reinforce Iraq’s currency…OPECs power is being undermined from the inside and this could prompt an awkward circumstance for Iraq. [Post 3 of 3]

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram :

The third factor…there are two trade rates in Iraq…The official rate is cycle 1310 to $1.00. The market rate…moves higher between $1.00 and $1450, causing problems and even protests. The market rate is the rate people live at every day. The US Federal Reserve has encouraged Iraq to use the Iraqi dinar rather than the US dollar because Iran and Syria need and want US dollars. This effort keeps Iraq from getting into trouble with the Department of Treasury and the US Federal Reserve. The two exchange rate issues are expected to get resolved over time. All transactions must be made in Iraqi dinars by January 1, 2024, and the gap between the official exchange rate and market value is expected to narrow, providing a sense of stability. [Post 2 of 3…more to come]

According to Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram :

The Iraqi dinar currency can be affected by four things. The first one is the budget for 24. This is a big problem for Iraq. The World Bank’s estimate that Iraq needs an oil price of $90 per barrel to meet its budget requirements is starkly different from the current oil price, which is around $80. This ongoing dispute stems from how Iraq views the same data and how the World Bank looks at financial data. The second factor is that, prior to 2014, Iraq almost always employed college graduates. For Iraqis, a career in the government is one of the advantages of its oil wealth. One reason the budget is so large is that Iraq is budgeting for over 700,000 new government positions. [Post 1 of 3….stay tuned]

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru BuckeyeTree :

It’s the end of June, and Sunday, June 30, marks the halfway point of the year. There is a constant stream of news and stories from Iraq.In my opinion, June might finish with some fantastic news—or, if not, news that advances us toward our goals.ATMs are now available, and as of July 18, the WTO granted full member status. In my opinion, the timeframe is growing smaller, and the inactive ATMs’ activation and operation may be closer! In my opinion.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

The main, and only, reason we didn’t get new cheaper notes or a new exchange rate was because of the Iranian terrorists…Not any longer…There is more clamping down. More money returned, more arrests made.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick :

[Update from Iraqi bank buddy Aki] AKI: The time has come. WALKERSTICK: He is essentially telling us that the budget and the new exchange rate with the smaller notes should be released soon. That’s his intended meaning.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

The ATMs are designed to resemble piñatas. They are prepared to open up and shower everyone in their wonderful goodness. Definitely.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick :

The ATMs are positioned one after the other like standing centurions. The lesser notes are being guarded by these ATMs. All of this has to be revealed immediately. We’re just waiting on the budget. Neither new laws nor processes are what we are waiting for.

According to Newshound Guru Clare :

Article of the World Trade Organization: “FORMAL WORKING PARTY MEETINGS 2024 18 July 2024 – THU 18 JUL 10:00 Working Party on the Accession of Iraq”

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Report from troops on the ground in Iraq] FIREFLY:Iraq has now received full WTO acceptance, according to what we hear on Channel One. This will now be formally announced.July 18. FRANK: Iraq does not require a valuable currency in order to join the WTO. No, that isn’t the main idea. For Iraq’s currency to be able to trade on the global market, it must be free from shackles, constraints, and restrictions; in any event, this is excellent.

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] Yesterday, some amusing news emerged from Iraqi banks and exchange sites. There was a notification stating that lesser denomination notes will be distributed in July. The same language was used in both of the confirmations I received this morning from individuals who are really in Iraq: they were informed to expect the distribution of lesser denominations in July. That demonstrates how incredibly close we are.Should the cash be worth less, why would they need these smaller denominations? …

According to Iraqi Dinar Guest Guru  Banker :

The most recent Gazette contained the new Budget, but it did not specify the rate. Three different sources have informed me that Iraq is planning a national celebration for this Sunday, June 30. There are numerous unfamiliar dignitaries in country for the party and the rate will be declared and the new ATM’s with the new money will be opened…