Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (07-05-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Newshound Guru Clare :

The article: “Al-Sudani reviews the readiness of the general census in Iraq.. 120 thousand researchers in service” According to the quote: “Al-Sudani was briefed during the visit on the latest procedures related to conducting the general population and housing census, scheduled to be conducted next October.”

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Breitling :

Put on your jeans, big guy. Keeping an eye on things is the main goal, allowing us to make informed decisions on whether to stick with our current investment or make a shift.I have always supported the revaluation of the dinar because there are certain things that must occur, as I will reiterate today. It has never altered. However, the future and our approach to Iraq have left me in a neutral position.I’m not leaving right now. We’ll have to wait and see what occurs later.

According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :

Seems as though somebody is troubled about their treasure trove getting yanked out from them. Their enchanted rug just got grounded. They are disappointed that they are no longer able to steal money. Whales, wealthy individuals, and politicians who were involved in the banks that were closed. They are speaking up about it. Who controls some of Iraq’s media? We know certain individuals that were at the highest point of the nation have their fingers in the pot with regards to media…

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Samson :

“Prime Minister: General census comes after 27 years and will provide data to decision-makers”

According to Newshound Guru Jeff :

Things are starting to pick up in the headlines now. Important moves are being made.They will synchronize like a clockwork. This is going to be the most important investment we’ve ever seen, especially from August to September.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] What does the US Treasury’s acquisition of the CBI imply for us, specifically? MarkZ: The US Treasury did not fully seize control of the CBI.Don’t freak out. I was informed that the final few Iraqi banks experiencing “problems” with funds being sent to IranThere are precisely five banks being cleaned up. They’re cleaning them up so they can pull the trigger, I was informed. The world is really eager for RV to occur. The presence of UST is encouraging, in my opinion. Iraq is under intense pressure to pull the trigger.

According to Newshound Guru Samson :

The Article: “MPs demand through “Iraq News” to end the assignment of the governor of the Central Bank”

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

Question: “Are they still educating the public about coins and low denominations?” It’s a given…

According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :

From the article: “Central Bank being forced to allocate an entire floor for the US Treasury department to monitor money transfers and prevent any illegal activities and people call it dangerous” Yes, it may be hazardous if you don’t follow the guidelines. That’s the issue.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel/Newshound Guru Babysmom :

The Article: “US Treasury Takes Control of Iraq’s Central Bank to Combat Money Laundering” The article goes beyond simply them taking over the bank; in fact, they have moved permanent residents inside the CBI building. IF THIS IS TRUE, THIS IS QUITE NEW INFORMATION.

According to Newshound Guru Samson :

The Article: “US Treasury Takes Control of Iraq’s Central Bank to Combat Money Laundering”

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Breitling :

Iran was severely sanctioned by the United States. We, the United States, are sick and tired of Iran using Iraq’s banks and financial system to obtain U.S. dollars. We’re changing the policy…