Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (08-14-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Breitling :

What might occur assuming they did what Turkey did, they moved their money, they re-designated, increased the value of it and attempted to reproduce the business sectors to get more clients and it doesn’t work? There’s no spot to go. It would be excessively intense. Then they would truly be reliant upon the US dollar and afterward they would have no control over their own economy. That is what’s in question for Iraq. They are having issues. They are in hot water…

According to Guru Nader From The Mid East :

[Update from Imad, a friend and former UN/government employee from Basra, Iraq] “Will the three zeros be deleted?” Indeed, sir, they will be removed shortly; but, it’s unlikely that this will occur in the upcoming week or month. It’s not—you’ll have to wait a little while. NADER: From now till December, I say…Will it take place prior to the election? IMAD: Not at all. Let’s observe and wait. NO, it won’t happen anytime soon.It takes a lot of labor, corruption, and little adjustments to have these three zeros moved.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

There are a great deal of things that are crude out there. Optimistically, all that we’re seeing is as yet centered regardless around track and I believe we will be looking great. In the event that they sent off this quite a while back, we’re coming to a nearby. They’re coming to an end, I have no doubt about it, and they’re getting ready to do what needs to be done…

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

These guys—Saleh, the finance minister; Alaq, the CBI governor; several members of the board; Sudani—are appearing on television every day. What are they doing? They’re making an effort to stop the falsehoods.

According to Iraqi Dinar Guest Guru SkyWalker :

There is by all accounts some confusion…when it comes to the erase the zeros program. Worth of the Iraqi dinar begins in country by government arrangements, CBI holds, oil creation, ventures by the Iraqi government, result of the economy, etc. Esteem is at present addressed by the three zeros imprinted on the cash. A trade is a proportion of two monetary standards which is utilized external the lines of a country. Therefore, the three zero notes will be physically removed from circulation when the Iraqi dinar’s value is first added by the CBI in the country. The CBI will issue lower notes with added value in their place. Finally, the Iraqi dinar’s value will be reflected in its exchange rate with other currencies. Therefore, the three zero notes being discontinued are the issue, not the zeros being removed from the exchange…

According to Guest Guru Mike Bara :

I have been given a Wednesday date, according to Judy Byington. 21 Aug. for the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar…

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Pimpy :

It was $84.69 per barrel on July 11th. As of the sixth of August it had dropped down to $76.17 per barrel…It is presently $79.66 per barrel. This goes right back to the entire issue about the value Iraq has set per barrel in their financial plan. There’s an expectation…if they don’t meet it then all that they plan for turns out to be a deficiency for Iraq. We were informed that this was a problem in Iraq a few months ago, and the central bank discussed the possibility of devaluing the Iraqi currency once more… I’m simply drawing out into the open they have spoken about degrading the Iraqi dinar in view of the rate they had set in the financial plan per barrel which I accept is around $70 per barrel.

According to Newshound Guru Jeff :

I am essentially the only [expert] in the field who has focused on the budget and informed you that it is unlawful. Until the court reverses the budget, nothing at all, not even a change in the pace of change, occurs economically in Iraq.It is necessary to overturn the budget, and that will most likely happen in the middle of September. That is the primary component of the puzzle you are now awaiting.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

The report by Saleh, the prime minister’s financial advisor, is excellent. Government Signal: High Commodity Limit Lifts Money Worth” He’s giving thinking why certain things will support value…They’re looking at drifting and fixed prices…He offers his viewpoint – Drifting appears to be too forceful, fixed costs work yet an oversaw float I believe is what’s going on with him talking…

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Report on Iraqi boots-on-the-ground] FIREFLY: TV show…the subject was tied in with dropping the zeros from our money and the presentation of another cash and the issues of the execution of this new cash. There was an economics doctor working there. We don’t have any acquaintance with him however he is being sent by Sudani…He said…we have low expansion so we can erase the zeros. They discussed how we will acquire buying power with this move. FRANK: It’s exciting to see the monetary reform education teaching you what you are about to receive on a daily basis on television. This is the third week in a row that they talk to you about lifting the three zeros, about a new currency coming to you, and now about the process of how they’re going to implement that new currency. They continue to reaffirm that your currency will have more purchasing power.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] This one is excellent… They are informing us that they are making progress by saying, “Parliamentary committee for Nina—A government team is preparing a new draft of the oil and Gas Law.”There are meetings taking place, and they are getting closer to the end.