Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (08-29-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Kaperoni :

We must hope that the Iraqi Central Bank would keep following the IMF’s recommendations and guidelines. By doing this, the currency would be able to progressively appreciate in value as the economy expands.

According to Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram :

The Central Bank of Iraq has imposed restrictions on the exchange and trading of the Iraqi dinar, making it less accessible for Forex Traders, which is a significant reason why the IQD is not traded on the forex market.Will the CBI lift these limitations and permit trading of the IQD on the Forex market? This query is unanswered by [us]. We really hope so.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

Like it or not, the Development Road Project is moving forward. Iraq is becoming global; they haven’t quite gotten there yet. Although they aren’t on the Forex, will they be there eventually? They will definitely get there, in my opinion, very soon.

According to Newshound Guru Clare :

Article: “In Baghdad markets, dollar prices are still falling relative to the dinar.” Quote: “The selling prices in Baghdad’s local marketplaces decreased, with the selling price coming in at 149,750 dinars and the purchasing price reaching 147,750 dinars for every $100.”

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[by means of PDK] The chat out of Iraq stays fabulous … we continue to hear tales about lower sections in the roads yet, individuals who are truly there say no – not yet… yet that they are genuinely ready for them…There has been a crushing juggernaut of progress in Iraq. Things do keep moving…

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Report from troops on the ground in Iraq] FIREFLY: A bank buddy told his employer that printing more money causes inflation to rise. Inflation in Iraq is modest. We wish not to bring it up. New zero notes are not necessary. More than $50 million has already been spent on printing fresh notes. FRANK: In my opinion, the lesser notes are really close to being distributed to Iraqi civilians.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

The article states: “…secure a sustainable water future, develop irrigation systems, and address the impact of climate change on rivers, ‘without disclosing its financial cost’.” Why on earth would they withhold the financial implications? …Would they be speaking the truth if they told you it would be at 1310? Most likely not…They are unwilling to provide you with the currency’s worth.By legislation, in what kind of commercial enterprise is Iraq expected to engage? the dinar. They are unwilling to provide you with an estimate of the cost. That seems like a hint to me.Water sustainability will undoubtedly be a problem in the future.

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] It’s unsettling how quiet the news has been.It feels very much like the quiet before the storm right now.We should definitely be in August, I hope. According to most of what I’m being told right now, we should really have appointments somewhere between last Monday and September 4th.We’ll see.The stillness is deliberate, in my opinion.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu :

There is a crazy rumor that the Dinar will remain constant or fixed “in country,” but that it will float around the world. This is false. The significant types in nation will be the more modest section As it were. The three zero notes, on the other hand, will be the species of note for the rest of the world and will have the same exchange rate. The only difference will be how many times it will be multiplied. Three Zeros) There will be NO Trim! It has been stated on numerous occasions that both species will coexist for ten years. Since I was told this 14 years ago, nothing has changed. Why these tales begin to surface intermittently, typically when the RV is by all accounts impending, is a secret to me.

According to Newshound Guru Clare :

The article: “Central Bank of Iraq on ‘unannounced’ visit to America” It was reported “that a delegation from the Central Bank of Iraq, headed by the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, and a number of general managers, have been visiting the United States of America since the 26th of this month, to discuss developments in the banking sector and the restrictions on the use of the dollar imposed on a large number of private banks.”

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru RayRen98 :

“Half” of the provinces are currently experiencing lower denominators, and the remaining ones should be finished by Friday evening, we have been informed.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

Why, in your opinion, is Alaq in New York? Working with banks that are subject to sanctions…We have some really fascinating material to explore this week.Red tape is removed on this journey.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

What does a nation mean to you? On what basis is it based? Their assets, surely? You must do a group analysis. It must be valued by you. As early as 2003 or 2004, several individuals worked on a feasibility assessment about the nation of Iraq. One of those individuals was in California’s Central Coast. I wrote a letter to the individual who wrote the feasibility report, so I can attest to it.Since then, we’ve been observing its fluctuations…I didn’t start participating until around 2010.I was shocked to see that the IMF’s 198-page study, which stated $3.22, was the most amount they could be able to reinstate. I’m in awe. Alright, now is the moment for me to focus. I’m here for that reason.

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] We heard that it was going to happen Monday night, then last night, and now this weekend…

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Bruce :

[through WiserNow] …the QFs framework, essentially for the recovery communities are associated, – that is great – and presently we simply need our messages to come into us and we can set arrangements to start…the most recent thing I have is that we would get that by or before Friday. The 30th—if we don’t get notified by Friday and start exchanging messages, it would take place over the weekend—anything is possible—it could even extend into September, given that Labor Day falls on a weekend. We’ll see what happens.