Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (09-15-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Samson :

The article: “Al-Alaq: 70 digital banks have applied to the Central Bank for a license”

According to Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick :

Three months ago, Aki was dispatched to Michigan to oversee one of the CBI satellite banks. He remains seated there. Do you know why? because he’s holding off on opening the bank till he gets his next orders. That indicates to me that things might blow out at any time. They would not have sent Aki to wait for so many months if they hadn’t. If this year had ended sooner, they would have sent him more…To refresh your recall, Aki is a representative of the CBI and runs one of the banks in Dearborn, Michigan.The three zero notes will be collected by the CBI’s numerous private banks located all over the world.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru RayRen98 :

We are wealthy, if what they’re saying is accurate; we’re just not at the bank yet.THE FAT LADY IS SINGING…RIGHT NOW, SAYS GOV SOURCES! We simply can’t see it just yet.THE CLOCK HAS FINISHED AND IS NO LONGER TICKING!!!

According to Newshound Guru Pimpy :

A wide range of changes occurring over in Iraq. I’ve been getting a lot of questions. We should go over this since this is the sort of thing I referenced before and afterward again I’m the trouble maker. It’s something you ought to know about that it could happen…Take a gander at the cost of Brent Unrefined – $74 a barrel. What is the spending plan set by Iraq for the expense? $70. Although it has fallen slightly below that, they are fine. It’s back up above $71 which is great however man, that specific expense per barrel IMO I believed was excessively high and I offered my viewpoint back when they originally got it done. What does it entail for Iraq? They will be forced to, yep, I’m going to say it, just like I warned you, devalue the Iraqi dinar if they don’t have enough money to cover the budget.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu :

[See Guru Bruce’s post from September 14, 2024] Please be aware that all contracts were concluded in 2011, and unless you were requested to join with a contract buyer prior to that year, you will not be offered a “contract rate”…Keep “THE RULE OF ONE PRICE” in mind. Offering multiple prices for the same financial product is illegal. NOT TAKEN PLACE!

According to Intel Guru Wolverine :

[via Judy Byington] September is the golden month, as I’ve been taught.I’m ecstatic.We’ve been informed that this has begun.Notifications need to be sent out tonight, Sunday, September 15, or at the very least, tomorrow, Monday, September 16.I hope you have an amazing day.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

Iraq is being discussed as expanding globally and interacting with the global financial system. Along with that comes accountability, which the central bank will uphold. Its duties include maintaining a stable currency rate and facilitating efficient, transparent cross-border trade inside and outside the nation. They are acting in that manner and will continue to do so. It appears that there is no turning back. It’s outstanding.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] Straight to the point: Mr. Sammy and I are in total agreement. The only distinction is that he is turning the page a little bit more slowly than I am. I don’t see this going into the following year. All things considered it’s inconceivable. I see the money related change education…commercials…US Depository uncovering to all of you authorizes have been discharge, which lets me know we are very close…Mr Sammy…tells you it’s coming toward the year’s end or starting, I let you know it’s presently… [Post 2 of 2]

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Mr. Sammy, our friend and Iraqi bank manager, claims that we control our own finances. It’s not being administered by the US Depository. FRANK: This is the most remarkable thing I can impart to you tonight…IMO when Alaq returned he let everyone know there’s no more endorses on the banks of Iraq…That implies your program rate doesn’t exist any longer. FIREFLY: Mr Sammy says they are running the new system…This new framework will stay until the end of the year…This money related change training progressively ease we’re in right presently will keep going for this entire year… [Post 1 of 2….stay tuned]

According to Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :

Iraq does not currently have any of the more recent lower denominations in use. If they had, they would already be in use.The economy would collapse without the dinar’s revaluation, at least inside Iraq, as the currency would have no value at all.Without initially undergoing a revaluation, how could anyone…purchase anything with the more recent, smaller denomination dinar notes? The CBI would have publicly announced the Project to Delete the Zeros as this is the ONLY way the lesser denominations can come out. It would need truckloads of money only to purchase food.When they’re out, there won’t be any secrets…The endeavor to remove the zeros has not yet commenced.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Wolverine :

[via Judy Byington]…September will see the completion of this, and it will be a magnificent month. Everyone is expected to get paid this month, including those on Tier 4B, and it will happen in a few days.Orders to release the monies have been granted to the US Treasury. Keep your boots on; it’s almost here.