These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion
According to Newshound Guru Harlequinc3 :
[See below for a response to the Clare Interest Rate article] Are you serious? I’m so happy! Expansionary is on the way. Guys, I’ll show you how to deal with that inflation!
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Pimpy :
The removal of the zeros will result in redenomination if they proceed in that manner [zeroes deleted PRIOR to the rate change]. Prior to making the exchange rate adjustment, they will introduce a new currency type—new bank notes without zeros on them. if that is how it occurs. Our dinars are the same. Before any kind of redenomination, we’re all crossing our fingers and praying that the exchange rate happens first.
According to Newshound Guru Clare :
Article titled “Al-Sari: The population census guarantees fair distribution of wealth and parliamentary representation of the governorates”
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :
In order for the residents to go and trade in their three zero notes, these individuals are being offered specialist courses on how to operate these exchange stations. It is the sole reason they are informing you about it.It isn’t a secret.
According to Newshound Guru Samson :
The Article: “‘International Reconstruction’ reveals the completion of the first designs for the Iraqi Development Road Project”
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :
The wetland was cleared by Sudani. Suddenly, he cleaned up all the banks that were unlawfully profiting from the theft of Iraqi dinars and US dollars. As I previously stated, the CBI floor needs to be so pristine that food could be eaten off of it. The second floor of the new CBI building houses the US Treasury. It’s immaculate. Every bank that [was] stealing has been closed. All of the political parties that dominated Iraq’s financial system and media are gradually losing ground.
According to Guru Nader From The Mid East :
We can now pay anywhere in the world using the Iraqi dinar. I can pay people in the United States from Iraq…For the time being, it’s 1310 dollars, but I can send you $500. I am referring to business, not interpersonal relationships. I’m referring to business. Before that, we can’t do that…
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Clare :
The Article: “‘Hybrid Monetary Policy’.. Al-Sudani’s Advisor Reveals the Central Bank’s New Step” By reducing the interest rate at which the Central Bank works with banks from 7.5% to 5.5%, the Central Bank started reducing the monetary policy interest rate by around 200 percentage points on October 24. This indicates an expansionary policy aimed at the money supply.Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the new policy did not downplay the significance of maintaining local liquidity levels and conducting high sterilization operations by providing debt instruments known as Islamic certificates of deposit, which are excellent debts with a return of 4% for 14 days and a return of 5.5% for 182 days. These debt instruments are regarded as sovereign debts that can be mortgaged or discounted in the secondary market.
According to Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :
…the media regularly airs commercials explaining how the switch will work. The “cash center” that just opened in Karkh is then mentioned by Iraqi media. It is only used to get the three dollars or zero dinar notes. People are already taking in the three zero notes, so the process of getting rid of zeros has officially begun. Yes, according to my CBI contact, it is underway. [2nd post of 2]
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :
My CBI contact on the committee has informed us that the Project to Delete the Zeros will be expanded shortly after the November election period in the United States. The process of switching to the newer lower denominations will begin during this time period, which runs through December. This also translates to roughly a 1:1 parity between the IQD and the US dollar. But keep in mind that this only applies to INTERNATIONAL locations. Keep in mind that these actions always depend on one another. Nothing is certain! Today, I want to be very clear with you about this. [Post 1 of 2…check back later]
According to Newshound Guru Pimpy :
[Removing Iraq’s currency exchange limitations] You realize that they are discussing the volume of liquidity that will enter Iraq if these restrictions are lifted? Although they have long struggled with liquidity, this would suddenly be a major concern for them. This would be enormous. Iraq would receive a large amount of money. It will make the Iraqi dinar more stronger. Hardcore, I mean.
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :
[via PDK] I wish to draw attention to this one. “What causes the US dollar’s exchange rate to fluctuate?” I realized that before to the Kuwaiti Revaluation, similar kinds of articles began to surface. Naturally, I had friends in the military at the time who were stationed there. As a result, Kuwait was providing me with frequent updates. To find out if they were correct, I…followed it. They publish stories claiming that everything is steady one day.Articles stating that things are unstable and changing are published the next day.To keep us off-balance, they continue to disseminate contradicting articles. This is significant and precisely what we saw before to Kuwait’s revaluation.