Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (09-28-2023)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinions

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

There are some important dates coming up related to international financial transfers and banking. On the 28th of this month, there will be some changes in how international financial transfers are processed. Then, on October 1st, all international private satellite banks of the CBI will be opened around the world. On the 3rd, there will be an Independence Day celebration for these banks. Additionally, in the near future, a new currency will be given to Iraqi citizens. This is a sign that a new exchange rate is coming, but it won’t be announced until the new currency is issued.

According to Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram :

Iraq is close to meeting the International Monetary Fund’s recommendation of having a reliable source of income apart from their oil industry. The Development Road Project is expected to generate an annual revenue of 4 billion US dollars and improve the GDP of Iraqi citizens.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Kaperoni :

If Iraq wants to do business with the world, they need to comply with IMF regulations, accept Article VIII, and pass economic laws that encourage investment.

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] Question: Will we receive the same rate as the announced new rate in Iraq when we exchange currency?

MarkZ’s Answer: According to my sources, if we exchange currency at one of the “qualifying banking centers” that have staff with special training and verifying equipment, our exchange rate is pre-determined and we won’t have to pay any additional fees. Additionally, these centers offer better service.

My bankers still believe that the “Oil For Dinar” program will provide us with a bonus on the exchange rate, so we may receive an even higher rate than what is announced.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Pimpy :

The Port of Faw is currently undergoing development to improve its shipping capabilities. Alongside this, a new rail system and expansive highways are being built to facilitate the transportation of goods. This development is expected to have a significant positive impact on Iraq’s economy, as it reduces the country’s reliance on oil and strengthens the value of the dinar.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

Report from Iraq – FIREFLY: According to reports on television, the advisor to Sudani has announced that the dollar exchange rate will change within the next 72 hours. If this is true, it will automatically affect our exchange rate as well. They are saying that a mechanism will be applied to control the parallel market rate of the dollar. Sudani and the CBI have been working on many proposals and papers to fix this issue. It is expected that all these measures will be applied within the next 72 hours to fix the dollar exchange rate.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Bruce :

[Via WiserNow] If they follow through on their promises, we’ll be in really good shape and get this party started before the end of the week.

According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :

Article quote: All state contracts inside Iraq shall be in Iraqi dinars. Is there anything else you would like to add or ask about this topic?

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] There is anticipation for announcements that may come today. We have received reports of some wealthy customers, who do not bank with Wells Fargo in their respective states, being contacted by out-of-state Wells Fargo representatives who are eager to do business with them. As a result, bankers at the local level are working hard to secure these customers. Meanwhile, our redemption team is on standby and ready to act once the green light is given. In my opinion, all signs point to progress, and I believe that the word “soon” will actually mean something tangible this time around.

According to Intel Guru Angel1 :

When Iraq was placed under sanctions, they had a program rate, but the auctions were what allowed them to function under the sanctions. Now, they are changing the way they conduct auctions, which means that the old method of purchasing imports through submitting invoices and paperwork will no longer be necessary. This process used to take about two weeks, but now even a small business like a coffee shop can pay for their imports directly through their bank, just like in any other normal country. This is exciting news because it means that Iraq will become an internationally acceptable and tradable currency, giving them value.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

As per my understanding, Iraq will be able to conduct international financial transfers without any restrictions from the 28th of this month. This is great news! This period will last for 10 days, ending on the 8th of next month. It is also believed that during these 10 days, we will witness the HCL. It is highly likely that the reason for the delay in adding the HCL and other aspects is due to the absence of a new international exchange rate. These 10 days present a fantastic opportunity for many payments to be made.

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] It is important to note that state contracts in Iraq are now being executed in Iraqi dinar. This is part of their de-dollarization process and their efforts to assert sovereignty over their currency. Additionally, old contracts are also being converted to dinar. An article titled “Iraq imposes dinar-only policy for domestic transactions” states that while contracts will be honored at the exchange rate, this rate is subject to change. However, the goal is to ensure that all contracts are converted based on the official exchange rate. This is a significant development and shows that Iraq has made substantial progress in its currency policies.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel/Newshound Guru Holly :

Exciting developments are taking place in Iraq. Firstly, after 30 years, the USA has lifted sanctions on auctions for Iraq, which was signed off by the treasury last week during Iraq’s visit to the USA. Secondly, Iraq is set to become a part of the World Trade Organization by October 4th, which requires them to have an international rate. Congratulations, Iraq! Finally, on October 3rd, Iraq will celebrate its first-ever Independence Day, marking the end of the war and their newfound independence. These are truly momentous events for Iraq.