Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (10-07-2023)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinions

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

It is being questioned whether the Iraqi dinar can gain international currency status without being listed on Forex. Although technically possible, it is highly unlikely. Forex is a massive market that attracts attention from all over the world, and the dinar would undoubtedly be of interest. Once the currency is listed on Forex, it will be like throwing bait in the water – predators will swarm to get a piece of it. In other words, it is likely to attract a lot of attention and many investors, some of whom may not have the best intentions.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick :

[Iraqi banking friend Aki update] User: I can’t bring my 1 million dinars and deposit them as dinars in your bank?
AKI: I’m sorry, but as an American bank, we do not accept dinars as a currency for deposits.

According to Newshound Guru Pimpy :

I have a question about investing in the Iraqi dinar. Is it worth it? Personally, I own 4 or 5 million dinars, and I believe it’s a good investment to consider. However, it’s important to have discretionary funds available if you plan to buy this currency.

The dinar is a legitimate currency, but it is currently undervalued due to the many sanctions imposed on Iraq. If these sanctions are lifted, the dinar will be able to function more effectively and its value will increase. I believe that this currency has great potential, but it’s important to note that there won’t be an immediate return on investment. It will take time, but not as much as it did before.

Iraq is taking steps to improve its economy, and as a result, the dinar’s value is likely to increase gradually over time. So, while it may not happen overnight, I think it’s worth holding on to the dinars and watching their value grow incrementally.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] It was a quiet night on the RV side, but there are great expectations for this weekend or the first part of the upcoming week. My redemption center staff is on call, which means they are not at work but available if needed. Last week, I mentioned that I know several bankers who are on standby for imminent currency value changes. This is significant news, and my bank crew is ramped up and anticipating something big happening this week.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

Sudani informed all the contractors he had signed with that they could enter Iraq without any limitations. This is in accordance with Article VIII, which establishes Iraq as a sovereign nation with the right to determine its currency and exchange rates as it sees fit.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

Article: A specialist has stated that the government is required to share its proposed budget for the upcoming year by mid-month. However, the government is still struggling to implement the budgets for 2023, 20224, and 2025. There is an air of secrecy surrounding the issue, with strict instructions given to officials and advisors not to discuss it. This means that the government is keeping important information from the public. Despite this, the specialist believes that it is necessary for the government to keep this information confidential.

According to Newshound Guru Jeff :

The budget is currently unapproved due to an amendment made specifically in the month of September. Prior to this event, the budget had already been approved. Parliament will need to approve the budget once again since it is currently unapproved.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :

I inquired with my CBI contact in Iraq regarding the “delete the zeros” project and was informed that it’s now an active project, no longer just a future plan. I asked for a target date, and was told that they plan to redenominate sometime before the end of this year. To me, this aligns with our belief of a January 2024 reinstatement timeframe, and other events are also lining up accordingly.

According to Newshound Guru Clare :

Wall Street Journal Article: The Iraqi government has requested a special shipment of $1 billion in cash from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, but their request has been denied by U.S. officials. The officials have stated that the request goes against their efforts to reduce the use of dollars by Baghdad and to prevent illegal cash flows to Iran. Since the U.S. invasion of Iraq twenty years ago, the United States has provided $10 billion or more annually to Baghdad via semimonthly cargo flights carrying large pallets of cash. The cash is drawn from the proceeds of Iraqi oil sales, which are deposited at the Federal Reserve. However, the cash has turned into a source of illicit dollars for powerful militias, corrupt politicians, and Iran, according to U.S. officials.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] I haven’t received any updates yet from the redemption center staff regarding their plans for the upcoming weekend. I’ve been having trouble getting in touch with them; their phones seem to be turned off. I’m not sure if this is a coincidence or if it’s a cause for concern. Yesterday, several staff members informed me that they’re on standby specifically for currency exchanges, which I believe is a significant development. I’m hoping that this leads to something positive.