These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :
Iraq is expanding globally. Artificial intelligence will be used when they transition to digital technology. They will even be teaching artificial intelligence to their children.Whether we like it or not, we will have to accept it.
According to Newshound Guru Samson :
Article: “In the parallel market, the dollar stabilizes. Has the pricing craziness ended? Translation: “The US dollar exchange rate is witnessing remarkable stability in the parallel market in Iraq”
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Clare :
Newspaper article: “In light of the liquidity crisis… Why doesn’t Iraq resort to printing more currency?” Quote: “The lack of cash liquidity is causing Iraq to face further difficulties, which has a detrimental impact on the markets and day-to-day financial activities…The Iraqi government is unable to satisfy its financial responsibilities to finance projects, pay staff wages, and repay debts because of a persistent lack of this currency.
According to Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu :
it would have severely harmed the significant bank so the CB had Bush attack them to at least one) Kill Saddam and a couple of) recover/thieve his gold stash…It did not work out. They couldn’t discover the stash. So…they attacked them again and the second time, they determined one of the small caches which become rumored to be around 20 lots…there was, but, a massive quantity of gold left that wasn’t found. Slowly, over the years, Iraq has been repatriating the gold into the country wide Reserves. They are not buying this gold, they already owned it and are slowly reinserting it into the Treasury. there’s no manner to understand how plenty they in reality have but it ought to be a large quantity. Watch…over time, they will keep growing the gold reserves but try to discover the receipts. [Post 2 of 2]
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu :
[Response to Newshound Guru Militia Man 2-10-2025 Gold post below] [Guru] militia guy made a remark… Iraq “sold” approximately 10 heaps of gold. That they scrounged up a few pocket change. He isn’t the first character to observation approximately Iraq having so much cash to shop for an remarkable quantity of gold. I know a touch inner baseball about that. when Iraq changed into attacked below the excuse of “weapons of mass destruction”…The real motive Iraq became attacked became because Saddam had collected a big quantity of gold through the years. The motive? He hated the London town principal Banksters and their imperative Banks so he became going to mint a Golden Dinar. it would had been the foremost cash of the arena. real cash! [Post 1 of 2….stay tuned]
According to Intel Guru Frank26 :
You are not in a position to swap at this time. Oh my goodness, gracious, take everything when you’re ready to trade. Bring the kitchen sink [to the bank] with you. Consult your asset protection and financial experts as necessary to develop the best plan for your particular situation and to determine what you need and don’t need during the exchange.
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :
[via PDK] They claim to receive their budget tables this week in the article “Parliamentary Finance: Reveals mountains of information received from the government: Budget tables will arrive.”They are making rapid progress.
According to Intel Guru Frank26 :
Why would you spend all of this money on education, advertising, and effort for a program rate of 1310? Something that has no worth should not be protected. However, you [Iraqi citizens] have a compelling incentive to safeguard the purchasing power they are about to provide! You are fully aware of what is taking place.
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Clare :
Article: “Al-Sudani’s advisor urges citizens to invest their money instead of keeping it in their homes.” Al-Daraji, the Prime Minister’s technical advisor, stated: “There is a significant amount of cash held by citizens outside the banking system, which renders it economically worthless if kept in homes. This money should be transferred to investment projects that help transform it into assets that support the national economy and enhance sustainable development.”
According to Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram :
Iran is still producing huge amounts of uranium enrichment.The relationship between Iran and the current president is so strained that, should Iran succeed in overthrowing him, he left precise instructions on how to destroy Iran. The article: “Trump says he’s given advisers instructions for Iran to be ‘obliterated’ if it assassinates him” He communicated his specific executive orders to Iran.Iran, Iraq’s commercial partner and nearest neighbor, has persisted in putting Iraq in the center of the US-Iraq conflict. As an IQD investor, you know more than the majority of Americans. Hopefully, Iraq will be able to strengthen its economy and be able to let the value of the currency rise.
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :
[via PDK] Sudani has promised not to take on any new projects or appointments in Iraq until Article 12 is resolved and this matter is completed, according to the statement “Parliamentary Finance: No new appointments in the 2025 budget.” Erbil and HCL must be completed. This is the “Top Priority” in the strictest sense.