These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion
According to Intel Guru MarkZ :
The U.S. Export-Import Bank has authorized $297 million for an energy efficiency project in Iraq [via PDK]. If it weren’t going to be secure and stable, this money wouldn’t be flowing to Iraq.and whether they were unable to repay the debts. They are relying on a genuine currency rate impact from an international Iraq.
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :
Story “Salaries next week.. Baghdad sends 329 billion dinars to Erbil and the latter indicates a decrease in the amount – Urgent” An increase in the exchange rate corresponds to a decrease in the amount.
According to Newshound Guru Samson :
The Article: “US Ambassador: We are committed to supporting Iraq’s security, stability and sovereignty”
According to Iraqi Dinar Guest Guru SkyWalker :
There is more to the effort [to remove the zeros] than just the currency or conversion rate. Among the tools that will support the RV are monetary and banking reforms, increasing the CBI’s reserves, purchasing gold, enacting legislation that encourages foreign direct investment, combating corruption, boosting global trade, and connecting to global financial platforms. When the CBI is prepared, a new currency with a higher value that is tailored to the new macro and micro Iraqi economy will be established.
According to Newshound Guru BobTheTaxMan :
We are playing a speculative game with Iraq; we have experienced all of the ups and downs and thrills and spills that are associated with conspiracy theories; the truth is that it has the potential. I wouldn’t be following it any longer if it didn’t have the options; I have better things to do. However, it is in a very dangerous position right now. We have to keep an eye out to see what happens…
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :
“Parliamentary Finance:” [via PDK] The rise in the dollar’s value in relation to the Iraqi dinar is due to these factors. There are currently fluctuations. They have a pegged exchange rate, and the inconsistencies are due to smugglers and dishonest businesspeople in some unlicensed exchange offices. The Central Bank is saying, “It’s not us.” The reality is that this will continue until the dinar’s value equals or exceeds that of the US dollar. At the Central Bank, they are aware of this. They are aware that this issue will disappear immediately upon receiving a rate change; I believe the central bank is letting us know how close they are to the REER. Rate of Real Effective Exchange)
According to Newshound Guru Clare :
Quote from the Article: “The Central Bank continues the actual implementation of banking reform plans” quote “The Supreme Executive Committee for the Strategy began its work and held its first meeting headed by the Governor of the Central Bank, which is a clear announcement of the beginning of the actual phase of implementing its strategies for banking reform…What we expect from the procedures and policies adopted by the Central Bank, what has been achieved, and what will be achieved later will be reflected in achieving economic stability by overcoming the challenges of stability in the financial and monetary system, which will contribute to the stability of the exchange rate and the recovery of the Iraqi dinar inevitably”
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :
We’ve all been here and have been watching this investment unfold, so it’s one of those time frames that makes us all tense. Al-Sudani and his teams appear to have excellent global communication and will produce…
According to Newshound Guru Samson :
Article: “The government completes the paperwork of joining the “WTO”
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :
[Report from troops on the ground in Iraq] FIREFLY: According to television, there were meetings in progress. These sessions take place daily. According to reports, Sudani met with his finance minister, all of the top bank executives, and the audit firms. FRANK: Sudani meets with his monetary reform powerhouse. FIREFLY: It appears like Sudani is making one more effort to cross all of his T’s and dot all of his I’s!
According to Intel Guru MarkZ :
[through PDK] “Al Alaq: The bank’s lending strategy is designed to boost the economy. “This is one of the monetary reforms. We are observing them carry out the changes. We are watching as the values rise and the zeros are removed…
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :
My CBI contact has repeatedly informed me that it is not possible to skip the Project To Delete the Zeros.Additionally, I must state that we will not simply see the IQD appear on FOREX one morning when trading opens knowing it is imminent. To carry out the Project to Delete the Zeros, the Iraqi populace must be notified of any rate modifications. Why, in your opinion, are they publishing so many articles? It’s known as citizen education.