Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (12-20-2023)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinions

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Continuation of the Franklin Tennessee Bank Story] The girl with whom I was conversing pointed towards the screen, and the other girl looked down and said, “Yes, we will, but currently, we are unable to discuss it with you.” FRANK: “Boom! Mums the word.” BANK STORY MAN: I said, “I understand. Is it true that you can only exchange $5,000 worth at a time?” She replied, “Yes, it is true. But, listen to me sir, we want to do business with you. If you want to sit here all day doing $5,000 increments, we don’t mind.” [Post 2 of 2]

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

A man in Franklin, Tennessee wanted to verify some information about Chase bank, so he went to a local branch to ask. When he arrived, the branch manager was busy in a meeting, so he asked two young female employees if the bank offered foreign exchange services. Specifically, he asked if they dealt with Iraqi dinar. One of the employees said that they could, but the other employee said that they could not. The first employee had a funny look on her face in response to the question. [Post 1 of 2…stay tuned]

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Pimpy :

Iraq is taking steps to stabilize its economy, currency, and strengthen the Iraqi dinar.

According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :

“They are discussing ways to reduce Iraq’s reliance on oil. This is because they have several other products, services, and sectors that are not related to oil, such as taxes, tariffs, imports, exports, and natural resources. They are aiming to diversify their economy and reduce their dependence on oil. They are also discussing the possibility of producing 350 million tons of sulfur to achieve sustainability for the private sector.”

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

According to recent news, the IMF has released a bulletin stating that Iraq is expected to have a fantastic year ahead, and much of this is due to the passing of the exchange rate revaluation. They talk about the things Iraq has done right and how the world is going to benefit from it. The IMF even mentions that the exchange rate revaluation will play a significant role in making Iraq’s economy successful in 2024. Although some people thought that this was referring to the revaluation in February, where the dinar went from 1562 to about 1300 dinar per one dollar, an Iraqi contact in government/finance confirmed that this is not what the report was referring to. This is an exciting development straight from the IMF itself, and we are now just waiting for the final announcement.

According to Guru Nader From The Mid East :

“When we told you that a new currency was coming out, it is. When we told you that the exchange rate would change, it will. However, the speed at which this happens will depend on the situation in the embassy. If the attacks continue, it may slow down the process. My expectation is that by January 1st, the current currency will be phased out, and a few days later, the new currency will be introduced. Then, within 2 to 3 days later, a new exchange rate will be established. This is just my opinion, and it may or may not be accurate.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Report from troops on the ground in Iraq] FIREFLY: The bank employee stated that the dinar has been slowly and steadily establishing itself inside our nation.This entire week, the dollar has decreased daily as a result of these efforts. It saw a significant decrease, and the dollar will keep falling. There will be no monetary activities permitted anywhere to begin the new year. FRANK:…I think companies are forced to provide you value at some point around the first…

According to  Newshound Guru Jeff :

The reforms are absolutely waiting on the rate change to implement.  They can’t implement the reforms without changing the rate.  They’re telling you the rate change itself is very clearly waiting and has been waiting this  entire year on these [provincial] elections…

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Samson :

The Article: “Al-Sudani congratulates the winners of the local elections and invites them to interact with his government’s plans”

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

A member shared a bank story via PDK. According to the member, they went to their local Chase bank to withdraw some cash where the teller asked them to wait for a moment. The member asked if there was any issue with their account to which the teller replied with a no. Soon after, the bank manager greeted the member and took them to her office. She asked if the member still had the Vietnamese Dong that they had purchased to which the member replied with a yes. The bank manager smiled and shook hands with the member, expressing her eagerness to do business with them in the future. It is believed that the teller might have received a notification on the screen regarding the customer’s foreign currency purchase.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Pimpy :

The article titled “IMF expresses optimism about non-oil financial growth in Iraq” highlights the importance of Iraq’s need to focus on non-oil financial growth. They need to achieve this as soon as possible and at a fast pace, as their over-reliance on oil could potentially harm them in the long run. If oil prices fall, Iraq will be back to square one and may have to devalue the Iraqi dinar if they cannot find alternative revenue streams to support the state.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

I’m not sure what you mean by “permission to pull the financial lynchpin on the grenade of the monetary reform”. However, if you’re referring to the recent IMF staff visit to Iraq, they did release a statement summarizing their visit and discussing economic developments and policies in the country. Would you like me to look up more information on this topic?

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] Is this something we’ll see before Christmas? MarkZ: We’re not sure, but the majority of my connections think we will.