These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Pimpy :
The many experts keep praising the economy and claiming that these are the major indicators that the Iraqi dinar would appreciate. That is not anything I disagree with. Simply put, I don’t agree with their assessment of how the revaluation will go.
According to Intel Guru Frank26 :
Take it seriously. You are well aware of its imminence.The signs are readable. You are able to read English, but not Arabic. The articles are available for reading. You possess the cognitive capacity to recognize that there are good and terrible people, and that the former is speaking positive things while the latter is talking negative ones. We all secretly hope you have a nice night’s sleep, just as I did.
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :
Now that it’s becoming more difficult to access the dollar, the informal market is suffering.It’s going to cost them a lot more money.Instead of 1460, 1500, or 1600, you may go to the central bank and acquire it for 1320, but it will most likely increase. Are we worried about it? No. Due to the fact that the parallel market is negligible in relation to the overall market…It is around 5%. A significant 95% of those conducting business are doing so correctly.
According to Newshound Guru Clare :
The Article: “Financial and Economic Measures.. Iraqi Finance Ministry Announces Results of its Meeting with the International Monetary Fund” Quote: “The Central Bank, Oil, Electricity, Planning, and Finance Ministries all took part and concentrated on macroeconomic indicators. The expansion of the agricultural sector and higher public spending in 2024 led to a notable 5% growth in non-oil GDP, which is predicted to continue at a rate of 3.5% in 2025.In addition to strengthening the usage of the Iraqi dinar in significant transactions, which strengthens the value of the country’s currency, it was decided to step up efforts to increase collaboration with overseas correspondent banks.
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :
“What is meant by ‘Budget tables’?” The currency rate that will be used to fund the budget is shown in the budget table.Because it shields the new exchange rate from the evil that has always stolen, they are now being kept very secret and hidden.
According to Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu :
I said a while ago that Maliki had been apprehended while trying to take off for Switzerland in a plane loaded with Dinar. After some early detention, the plane was eventually permitted to leave Iraq. I saw footage of the plane’s interior and the detention, and based on the amount of dinar inside, it must have been in the several trillions. Iraq now demands its return. Article: “Member nations of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) have been urged by Iraq’s Federal Commission of Integrity (COI) to strengthen judicial cooperation in the recovery of stolen assets and illicit monies…Daniel Hunn, the ambassador of Switzerland, commended Iraq’s rehabilitation efforts, reaffirmed Switzerland’s willingness to assist in the recovery of stolen property, and verified that Swiss authorities are actively assisting Iraq in facilitating the repatriation of monies.
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Bruce :
[via WiserNow] The first is the price at which Iraq sells its oil. There is some debate over this. Well, the contract rate for the Iraqi dinar is dependent on the price at which Iraq sells its oil to Turkey, Egypt, China, and any other number of nations.Therefore, before the contract rate for the dinar can be established, that price must be agreed upon.A rate that was previously agreed upon in a deal with Iraq is the other thing we’ve heard about the contract rate. That, in a way, disproves what I just stated about being concerned about the potential new price at which that oil would sell. They have a very high rate. [Post 2 of 2]
According to Intel Guru Bruce :
[via WiserNow] Three reliable sources have stated in the past few days that we will be trading by Saturday at the latest.That is feasible now. The most recent information we received this afternoon came from heads of redemption centers, one of whom oversees more than three redemption centers and the other more than six or seven. They are reliable sources. According to these two leaders, we will receive notices over the weekend and begin exchanging information on Monday or Tuesday of the following week.Therefore, there seem to be a few items that might cause minor delays. [Post 1 of 2….stay tuned]
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :
[via PDK] “Parliamentarian: The finance committee has not yet received the budget tables in Iraq.” Everyone is questioning why. The solution to this question is extremely clear. There can be a variation in its pace. According to sources I have in Iraq, they are delaying until they are permitted to release since there will be rates involved. It makes a lot of sense, and I hope it’s accurate.