Iraqi Oil Minister meets US Oil Industy Execs

Iraqi Oil Minister meets US Oil Industy Execs

Iraqi Pastor of Oil, Hayan Abdul-Ghani, has held a progression of gatherings with oil industy chiefs during his visit to the US:

Curve Elective and Sustainable Development LLC, addressed by President Lonnie Coplen, and Maysoon Tawfik. Conversations included participation on foundation improvement for Iraq’s energy area.
Baker Hughes, led by senior executives like Mr. Amerino Gatti, Vice President for Oilfield Services; the VP for Innovation and Environment Issues, Mr. Alessandro Bresciani; the VP for Political and Worldwide Government Undertakings, Mr. Matt Armstrong; what’s more, the organization’s Administrations Chief in Iraq, Tawfic Al-Ezz. Conversations zeroed in on upgrading gas venture, particularly in immature oil and gas fields, in arrangement with Iraq’s legislative and key energy plans.
BP, addressed by senior chiefs remembering VP for the U.S., Aleda Rios, and the organization’s VPs for the Bay of Mexico and Canada, Peter Evans, Michael Galiunas, and Roger Boyce. BP demonstrated its ongoing oil field development projects, including four fields in Kirkuk.
KBR, headed by Director of Sustainable Technology Jay Ibrahim and Director of Middle East Business Development Ritesh Jain. Conversations zeroed in on utilizing cutting edge innovation for supportable monetary turn of events and improving gas and energy ventures.
Bend Energy, drove by Director Jason Arceneaux. The exploration blocks introduced in Iraq’s fifth and sixth licensing rounds were the subject of the discussions.
Alexandros, drove by Chief VP for the Center East, Ghassan Hannoudi. Conversations covered refining and tentative arrangements to upgrade item quality and result.
Chase Oil, drove by President Imprint Gunnin, with other senior leaders. The discussions zeroed in on Iraq’s endeavors to put resources into and foster oil and gas fields.
Honeywell. Possibilities for improving collaboration in the fields of energy and the refining area were talked about.