Jiyad: Iraqi Oil Ministry Abandons Transparency, Reneges on Obligations

Jiyad: Iraqi Oil Ministry Abandons Transparency, Reneges on Obligations

The Iraqi Service of Oil Leaves Straightforwardness, Denies Iraqis their Established Freedoms and Reneges on Worldwide Commitments

Both the Service of Oil and the State Oil Showcasing Association (SOMO) as of late distributed information that included volume of Iraq’s oil sends out for the long stretch of February 2024, without giving incomes from those products or the typical cost of a barrel.

This sad and inappropriate activity of both the Service and SOMO to keep oil income information comprises an unmitigated genuine infringement of what the Iraqi Constitution expects to upgrade the freedoms of the Iraqi nation the genuine proprietors of oil and gas riches.

In addition, this shows the Service’s inability to stick to the clerical program of the Al-Sudani Government, ignores consistence with Iraq’s worldwide commitments under the Extractive Ventures Straightforwardness Drive (EITI). Likewise, the Service goes against its own new mandates, and leaving customary practice has been going on beginning around 2008. Consequently, the service returns back 37 years when the despicable “mystery of data” forestalled the revelation of oil send out incomes and costs.

These infringement comprise areas of strength for a premise that legitimizes, and even requires, interesting to the Government High Court to oblige both the Service and SOMO to withdraw these off-base, unlawful practices and republish all and all relevant information connected with the amounts, costs, and incomes of month to month oil trades from all ocean and land send out outlets.

As of late, I distributed and generally flowed definite article on this theme. Momentarily, the article presents what demonstrates an authority affirmation by the Service of Oil that it no longer puts stock in educating the Iraqi public regarding all that connected with oil send out incomes and costs. Then it contends that such lead goes against many articles of the ongoing Constitution and the embraced taxpayer supported initiative and shows up at an accentuation on the chance of mediation and obligation by both the Leader of the Republic and the Head of the state to cure such bad behavior, by constraining the Clergyman of Oil and the Chief General of the Oil Advertising Organization – SOMO to withdraw their practices that go against the Constitution.

From that point onward, the article alludes to Section Six, “Oil Income The executives,” of the Government Monetary Administration Regulation No. 6 of 2019, which commits both the Service of Oil and its associated oil organizations to submit month to month point by point information connected with oil incomes to the Service of Money. Then, it states that the Service of Oil really goes against its own orders and is a reneging on Iraq’s worldwide commitments and responsibilities under EITI.

That is trailed by an exceptionally short survey of the decay example of straightforwardness in the Service’s work, which really has returned the circumstance to more regrettable than it was around forty years prior. The article finishes up with the need of depending on the Government High Court to refute these harming in reverse acts of the Service and its infringement of the Constitution.

The article written in Arabic can be gotten to through one of the accompanying connections:



Mr. Jiyad was an Associate of the erstwhile Centre for Global Energy Studies (CGES), London, and an independent academic and development consultant. Former positions held by him include those of director at the Ministry of Trade, chief expert for the Council of Ministers, senior economist with the Iraq National Oil Company and the Ministry of Oil in Iraq, and international specialist with UN agencies in Uganda, Sudan, and Jordan. Currently, he is located in Norway (Skype ID: Ahmed Mousa Jiyad, email: mou-jiya(at)online.no).