KTFA – More News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Afternoon 5-16-2024


Clare:  Sudanese advisor announces full repayment of IMF loans

5/16/2024   Baghdad

Today, Thursday, the Advisor to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, outlined the loans provided by the International Monetary Fund to Iraq since 2003, while noting that their total did not exceed 8 billion dollars, confirming that they were repaid in full.

Saleh said, in a statement followed by “Al-Iqtisad News”: “Since 2003, the International Monetary Fund has provided several loans to Iraq that were aimed at supporting macroeconomic stability and implementing financial reforms. Between the years 2003 and 2021, Iraq obtained several financing programs from the International Monetary Fund, “Including emergency loans and relatively long-term financial assistance.”

He added, “In the first years after 2003, the Fund provided significant support to Iraq through various programs, including the SBA Credit Readiness Program and the Rapid Financing Instrument. For example, in 2016, the International Monetary Fund approved an SBA Credit Readiness Program worth 5.34 Billions of dollars to support economic reforms in Iraq, and Iraq received two-thirds of the above amount, and it was paid in full within five years.”

Saleh continued, “In 2021, Iraq requested an emergency loan worth $6 billion from the International Monetary Fund, and it appears that the loan was not materialized because it was not linked to one of the Fund’s programs at the time,” noting that “methods of cooperation with the International Monetary Fund have been targeted to support government reforms.” And confronting the economic crises that resulted from the decline in oil prices, which were linked to fluctuations in the balance of payments and its effects on economic activity.”

The Prime Minister’s Advisor for Financial Affairs stated, “Since 2003, the value of the loans and financial aid granted by the International Monetary Fund to Iraq has amounted to several billion dollars, and their total does not exceed 7 to 8 billion dollars, and they have been repaid in full, with a focus when granting loans on implementing programs related to “By supporting macroeconomic stability and implementing the necessary financial reforms.”  LINK

DeepWoodz:  t appears there are many loose ends being tied up neatly.   C’mon Iraq!


Clare: IMF Executive Board Concludes 2024 Article IV Consultation with Iraq

May 15, 2024

Washington, DC: On May 13, 2024, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded the Article IV consultation[1] with Iraq and considered and endorsed the staff appraisal.

Domestic stability has improved since the new government took office in October 2022, facilitating the passage of Iraq’s first three-year budget, which entailed a large fiscal expansion starting in 2023.

 This supported the strong recovery in Iraq’s non-oil economy after a contraction in 2022, while Iraq was largely unaffected by the ongoing conflict in the region. Domestic inflation declined to 4 percent by end-2023, reflecting lower international food prices, the currency revaluation as of February 2023, and the normalization in trade finance. However, imbalances have worsened due to the large fiscal expansion and lower oil prices. 

The ongoing fiscal expansion is expected to boost growth in 2024, at the expense of a further deterioration of fiscal and external accounts and Iraq’s vulnerability to oil price fluctuations. Without policy adjustment, the risk of medium-term sovereign debt stress is high and external stability risks could emerge. Key downside risks include much lower oil prices or a spread of the conflict in Gaza and Israel.

[2] At the conclusion of the discussion, the Managing Director, as Chairman of the Board, summarizes the views of Executive Directors, and this summary is transmitted to the country’s authorities. An explanation of any qualifiers used in summings up can be found here: http://www.IMF.org/external/np/sec/misc/qualifiers.htm.



Courtesy of Dinar Guru:  https://www.dinarguru.com/

Mnt Goat  Iraq has requested that a United Nations assistance mission (UNAMI) set up after the 2003 U.S.- led invasion of the country end its work by the end of 2025, saying it was no longer needed because Iraq had made significant progress towards stability. Could it be that the rich and powerful are going to let Iraq finally be a true sovereign country and not just on paper? Are they letting go of the apron strings… It is just yet another sign to us that the freedom for Iraq is finally coming to reality. Another stop in the journey down the choo choo tracks and the final stop we all await – the reinstatement.

Frank26  Community Comment:  “I Remember you stated a long time ago that the float will be quick.”  Yeah, IMO the hunger for the Iraqi dinar is great and the investors are almost endless.  I believe when it floats it’ll be like getting gunpowder on fire.  It’ll move fast…Within 3 months you’re going to see a significant change.  Within 6 months it may be done.  I hope that within a year they’ll cap it…IMO $3.86 to $4.25.

This is very iqd good news

Nader: 5-16-2024


US ECONOMY: $17.7 Trillion Consumer DEBT EXPLOSION, China Sanctions, Stagflation & Rising Inflation

Lena Petrova:  5-15-2024