More News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday PM 12-21-2024


Ariel : The Start of “the Storm” Officially Starts with Iraq

Sat: Dec 21, 2024

I can not stress this enough. Once Iraq reinstates their currency on the Forex market everything is going to speed up. Things are already in a blitz formation. Once the ball snaps there will be no slowing down until the desired destination is reached. Everything. Everywhere. All at once.

The start of “The Storm” in my opinion officially starts with Iraq.

CryptoGeek:  BREAKING: Donald Trump signs a deal to integrate $68 billion worth of $XRP into the Federal Reserve and Treasury!

Not sure how accurate this news is. But I will say this in general If this turns out to be true. If XRP becomes a recognized reserve asset or part of international transactions, its liquidity will increase.

This should benefit the Iraqi Dinar, which is paired with XRP, by providing it with a more stable and liquid environment for trading.

We all know Iraq will also use their gold reserves to help stabilize the IQD as well.

This could lead to a more predictable exchange rate for the IQD in international markets, potentially reducing volatility and enhancing investor confidence.

Which was always the goal. Of course RLUSD will play a role in this given that it is a Stable Coin.



Clare:  Parliamentary Committee confirms return of movement regarding preparation of draft oil and gas law

12/21/2024  Information / Special.. 

Member of the Oil and Gas Committee, MP Basem Al-Gharibawi, confirmed on Saturday that there is a desire among the political forces to legislate the oil and gas law in the near future, through the return of the joint committees to work in order to Prepare a unified draft of the proposed law, with an invitation extended to host the federal oil minister and the regional minister of natural resources together within the committee. 

Al-Gharibawi said in a statement to Al-Maalouma Agency, “The legislation of the oil and gas law is of utmost importance on the political and economic levels and is considered one of the basic laws and regulates the relationship with the center and the region Its legislation has become an urgent and pressing necessity despite its introduction since 2007.” 

He added that “the main obstacle facing the legislators of the law is the paragraph on the tasks of the Federal Council and the powers of the region within the council,” noting that “there is a desire among the political forces to legislate the oil and gas law in the near future through the return of the joint committees to work in order to prepare a unified draft of the proposed law, with an invitation extended to host the federal oil minister and the minister of natural resources in the region together within the committee “

It is noteworthy that the committees specialized in drafting the oil and gas law include the federal oil minister, the regional minister of natural resources, the general manager of SOMO, and senior staff in the Ministry of Oil, in addition to the oil-producing provinces. Such as Basra, Dhi Qar, Maysan, and Kirkuk.  LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  FIREFLY:
CBI is talking about expansion of money transfers to local new currencies…Mr. Sammy says it’s the Jordanian dinar and the Saudi riyal and the Turkey currency and the Chinese yuan. FRANK:  None of these countries have ever dealt with Iraq the way they are now because of the program rate.  To me it proves we have a new rate or they wouldn’t lift a finger to help Iraq.

Nader From The Mid East  The thing I saw and made me very happy…When you see the Saudis coming with their money, now we can trade their monies, the UAE and all the Middle East countries, almost.   Turkey, Saudis, Kuwait, Qatar.  Now we can exchange our dinars with their dinars, durham, riyal, with anything like that.  That’s very big guys cuz the dollar…yuan Chinese, the euro is already there. Now we have all continental of Europe…Middle East…United States and now it’s missing a little bit of Africa and we’re done.  Other ones like Canada does whatever the United States do.  Australia same thing.  That made me very happy.  That mean soon we’ll be in every bank in United States.  It will be tradable.  If it’s tradable it’s going to gain a lot of values and quick.

‘Mini Depression’ Coming: What Happens To Stocks, Bitcoin When Economy Tanks | Chris Vermeulen

David Lin:  12-21-2024

Chris Vermeulen, Chief Market Strategist of The Technical Traders (…, gives his outlook for broad stock markets, Bitcoin, energy stocks, USD, and CAD for 2025.

0:00 – Market recap

0:50 – Bitcoin

11:50 – Stock market outlook

 20:33 – Dow Jones’ losing streak

 22:48 – Energy stocks

 27:38 – 35%-55% pull back in S&P 500

30:20 – USD

33:25 – Gold

35:00 – CAD

37:33 – Peak maximum risk