More News, Rumors and Opinions Wed. Afternoon 11-13-2024


Clare:  Private Banks Association: Iraq to adopt advanced trade finance system by end of 2024


The Iraqi Private Banks Association announced, on Wednesday, a move to adopt an advanced trade finance system by the end of the year.

The Executive Director of the Iraqi Private Banks Association, Ali Tariq, told the official agency, which was followed by “Al-Eqtisad News”, that “work on the foreign trade financing platform began at the beginning of 2023 and is witnessing significant development,” indicating that “it is expected that by the end of the year there will be a transition to another more advanced and accurate system to enhance control over foreign transfers related to trade.”

He explained that “the new system will depend on correspondent banks instead of the current mechanisms, as each bank will have the ability to conduct transfers according to its capabilities and possession of correspondent accounts, whether in American banks or other banks that provide transfer services in different currencies.”

He added, “This process will remain the same for the public and merchants wishing to transfer, as the requirements will not change significantly, but the accuracy of transfer operations will improve through the activation of control systems and regulations imposed by correspondent banks.”

He stressed that “this transformation will increase public confidence in the Iraqi banking sector, as local banks will adhere to the instructions and mechanisms of international correspondent banks, which will enhance work within strict international systems and agreements.”LINK


Clare:  Minister of Commerce: The government has developed a roadmap for developing the national economy

11/13/2024   Baghdad – WAA – Hassan Al-Fawaz

Minister of Commerce Athir Al-Ghurairi confirmed today, Wednesday, that the government has developed a roadmap for developing the national economy, noting that the private sector is witnessing a remarkable recovery thanks to government support.

Al-Ghariri told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “The government has begun implementing economic reforms through new legislation,” noting that “many laws have been sent to the House of Representatives for approval.”

He added, “These reforms represent a ‘reform revolution’ that the Iraqi people may not notice at the present time, but it will soon become clear to citizens, businessmen and project owners.”

The Minister explained that “the government has begun practical steps to support important sectors such as the pharmaceutical industry, as this sector has witnessed a remarkable recovery as a result of effective government policies, in addition to localizing other industries.”

He pointed out that “the government has taken new regulatory steps through the Ministry of Trade Law, which allows for the issuance of accurate and clear data, which helps in setting a roadmap for local and international businessmen and investors,” expressing his “optimism about the future of the Iraqi economy.”  LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man  Once the dollars run out because there’s no more smuggling going on, the new digital transformation has taken place, the new systems in place, the dollar itself in the country is going to drop up quickly.  They change the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar to be stronger than the U.S. dollar that [black] market is going to tank.  A lot of people are going to be painfully hurt.  It’s their bad.  They’ve been warned…The bottom line is the black market is about to take a beating.  Supply is running short with the dollars.  They’ve been put on notice…It looks positive for all of us…

Mnt Goat   It’s almost mid-November already and still no solid announcement from the CBI of the conducting the Project to Delete the Zeros.  NO, the RV has not yet happened. The U.S. election is now over and so we should expect some information on this soon, if they are still going along with the target of early January 2025, as I was told.   I know we heard this in the past previous years and yes this was the plan back then too. But we are here now and it’s a new fiscal year coming for Iraq and, as we all read in the recent news, Iraq could not be in a better position to get their currency returned to them.


Greg Mannarino:  11-13-2024