Most notably, middlemen… A representative identifies 4 negatives in electricity maintenance centers

Most notably, middlemen... A representative identifies 4 negatives in electricity maintenance centers

MP Mohammed Al-Khafaji distinguished 4 negatives in power support focuses on Tuesday.

Al-Khafaji said in a meeting with/, “Power, notwithstanding the enormous consumption of cash for a long time, is in a circumstance that requires a wide revision process, particularly with what we see of a significant deformity in a large number of its developments through field follow-up and observing.”

He went on to say that “intercession and favoritism are another negative” and that “the maintenance centers suffer from cadres despite the lists that show a large surplus of employees at the ministry level, accompanied by poor management and distribution of human resources.”

He brought up that “defilement and partiality deny numerous units of honors and rewards, and this matter should be focused on.”

It is vital that Iraq experiences a power emergency regardless of the state burning through billions of dollars yearly on energy improvement projects.