MP: 3 reasons behind US Ambassador’s obstruction of Personal Status Law

MP: 3 reasons behind US Ambassador’s obstruction of Personal Status Law

MP Yasser Hashem affirmed today, Monday, that the alterations to the Individual Status Regulation will pass regardless of the tensions.

Hashem stated in an interview that “the marriage of minors and other fallacies that have spread on social media platforms are an attempt to distort the facts before public opinion” and that “the amendments to the Personal Status Law came to provide solutions to social problems at several points.”

He added, “The changes to the Individual Status Regulation will go on, and there are agents who backing its endorsement, particularly since a goal perusing of what the revisions incorporate reflects opportunity of decision and guarantees more noteworthy help for the family structure.”

He brought up that “there are three purposes behind the US diplomat’s impedance and his endeavor to force strain to stop the changes, the most conspicuous of which is the plan of the West, which would rather not form a genuine society and move its bombed insight to different nations, and simultaneously it mirrors a shameless obstruction and a maltreatment of abilities, which is dismissed,” focusing on that “the Iraqis are the ones who decide the ways of the regulations and their regulation.”

It is critical that the changes to the Individual Status Regulation in Iraq have ignited far and wide political discussion considering an extraordinary energy for getting out deluding word a long way from the real world.