MP gives details on the repercussions of the theft of the century and the leaked recording of Hanoun

MP gives details on the repercussions of the theft of the century and the leaked recording of Hanoun

MP Ali Saadoun affirmed today, Monday, that the legal executive is proceeding with its examinations and giving decisions in regards to the robbery of the 100 years and the fundamental denounced in it (Nour Zuhair), as well as proceeding with the examination concerning different cases connected with the top of the Honesty Commission, Haider Hanoun.

“Especially with regard to the theft of the century and the funds seized by Nour Zuhair, which are related to tax deposits,” Saadoun stated, “There are serious moves to recover smuggled funds and combat corruption.”

“The Iraqi judiciary is serious about recovering this money and returning it to the state treasury,” he added. “Nour Zuhair stole huge sums of money.” In order to ensure that the thief receives the appropriate punishment, the competent authorities are continuing their efforts to recover all of the money and prosecute him.

He made sense of that “every one of the documents connected with Nour Zuhair have been put on the legal executive’s table, including the situation of the top of the Uprightness Commission and the spilled sound recording, as the Place of Delegates moved to have the Respectability Commission to decide a few subtleties and figure out current realities, in spite of the way that the legal executive keeps on examining the instance of the robbery of the hundred years and honesty.”