MP: Parliament is proceeding with passing important laws until the new president is chosen

MP: Parliament is proceeding with passing important laws until the new president is chosen

Alaa Al-Haidari, a Member of Parliament, said on Monday that Parliament will keep passing important laws until a new Speaker is chosen.

Al-Haidari said in an explanation to , “The Board will keep on holding its standard meetings, headed by Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, to finish the draft regulations proposed by the parliamentary panels.”

He added, “The Place of Delegates is proceeding to decide on significant regulations until another Speaker of the Place of Agents is chosen.”

Al-Haidari brought up that “the political powers are trusting that the Sunni part will settle on introducing an individual to fill the position.”

That’s what he added “Al-Mandlawi is proceeding to deal with the ordinary meetings until the issue of the seat for the Sunni part for the administration of parliament is settled.”