MP: Personal Status Law Amendments are More Fair than Current Law

MP: Personal Status Law Amendments are More Fair than Current Law

MP Aref Al-Hamami said on Saturday that the revisions to the Individual Status Regulation are more fair than the ongoing regulation.

Al-Hamami said in a meeting with , “The corrections to the Individual Status Regulation were exposed to a negative mission that remembered deceptions and the distribution of erroneous articles for media stages and outlets, however the fact of the matter is totally unique.”

He added, “The ongoing correction to the individual status arrangements is more than the ongoing regulation, and there are numerous models, remembering the opportunities for ladies to set conditions for the marriage contract that are restricting, notwithstanding other significant arrangements to direct the situation with families.”

He called attention to that “individual status corrections are significant in light of the fact that they give answers for some cultural issues and improve equity and decency for all gatherings.”

It is vital that the individual status revisions have started political debate in Iraq for a really long time in the midst of significant misrepresentations via online entertainment.