MP: Polluting oil emissions besiege 6 provinces in Iraq

MP: Polluting oil emissions besiege 6 provinces in Iraq

On Thursday, MP Ali Saadoun requested that the Environment Fund be established in Iraq.

“The intensity of oil emissions in Iraq is concentrated directly in six governorates, most notably Basra and Maysan,” Saadoun stated in an interview with “It has caused an increase in cancer rates by up to 10%, which means thousands of victims of these deadly diseases.”

“emissions and their pollution of the environment are not limited to diseases, but they have caused great harm to the environment, including orchards and agricultural lands, stressing the importance of paying attention to the danger of these emissions and seeking to establish a fund concerned with developing and growing the environment in an effort to revive agricultural lands and orchards because they constitute an important link in purifying the environment and confronting the difficult climate changes that have begun to become more severe in recent years,” he continued. “emissions

He said, “Taking the environmental file seriously is a necessity, especially since the consequences of emissions have begun to increase in terms of danger in recent years in several Iraqi governorates,” and he added, “Taking the environmental file seriously is a necessity.”

It is important to note that Iraq has seen a significant rise in environmental pollution and the formation of sulfur clouds in the atmosphere, which have adverse effects on thousands of patients.