MP reveals differences in salaries of employees in oil companies in Maysan

MP reveals differences in salaries of employees in oil companies in Maysan

On Monday, Maysan oil company employees’ disparities in pay were made public by MP Ali Saadoun.

Saadoun told , “The volume of oil field creation in Maysan comes in runner up after Basra, as it funds the country’s depository with billions of dollars every year, except notwithstanding that, it experiences high paces of joblessness and neediness.”

He went on to say, “One of the things that must be considered in the oil companies file is that the foreign worker’s salary reaches 15 thousand dollars, while the Iraqi worker’s salary is less than two thousand dollars, and perhaps even much less, stressing the need for there to be standards of justice and for the majority of workers to be from the province’s people.”

He emphasized “the necessity of supporting Maysan and developing services there,” “the effort to do justice to the large segments of the poor and simple people, providing them with sources of livelihood through openness to local labor,” and “the necessity of supporting Maysan and developing services there.”

It is essential that Maysan incorporates a progression of enormous creation handles that were alluded through the permitting adjusts for improvement by a few organizations, including Chinese ones.