Today, Friday, MP Mudar Maan confirmed that Iraq has recovered funds that were smuggled to five nations.
“The fund for recovering Iraqi money that has been smuggled abroad by corrupt people is being implemented through multiple steps in coordination with governments and international organizations, and it is dealing positively with Baghdad’s efforts,” Maan stated.
That’s what he added “Iraq’s endeavors prevailed with regards to recuperating reserves that were pirated to 5 nations, and there are endeavors to open up to different nations, including European and Asian nations, to find more bad people against whom legal warrants have been given, noticing that “endeavors are in progress to enact the law on recuperating reserves, which will be a defining moment in managing a vital document.”
“The amount of smuggled money is large and the cases before the courts are complex,” he stated, “but the investigations have revealed a lot and there are efforts to continue to track down the most corrupt people who have fled abroad.”
It is noteworthy that in recent months, operations to locate corrupt individuals, particularly those who have fled abroad, have resulted in the recovery of tens of billions of dinars.