New details revealed about “manipulation” in budget tables

New details revealed about “manipulation” in budget tables

The Parliamentary Finance Committee expressed renewed optimism regarding “manipulating” the 2024 budget schedules.

Council part Moeen Al-Kazemi said, during his facilitating on the {Free Talk} program broadcast by Al-Furat satellite station tonight, that: ” The public authority sent the 2024 financial plan tables two months prior and there was settlement on them in the Money Board as well as under the vault of Parliament.”

He made sense of, “The tables showed a distinction with the public authority variant and the Place of Delegates answered by the public authority dealing with the first tables, which added up to 211 trillion dinars,” noticing that “the State leader’s persistent endeavors are something to be thankful for away from political obstruction.”

According to Al-Kazemi, “the Finance Committee’s decision to form an investigation committee to find out the reasons for the difference in the tables and the Parliament Presidency objected to forming the committee on the pretext that it is not within the committee’s jurisdiction” was the reason for the Finance Committee’s decision to do so.

According to him, “the major fundamental change that occurred in the budget tables was in favor of the Ministry of Trade in order to increase the amounts of the food rations by 5 trillion dinars”

Al-Kadhimi focused “the earnestness of the Money Advisory group to keep researching to figure out the reasons in spite of the protest of the Parliament Administration, thus far we have not arrived at the objective of messing with the constraints of 15 trillion dinars,” adding, “No allegation has been brought against any agent, and messing with the tables didn’t hurt.”