Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 2 Feb. 2024
Compiled Fri. 2 Feb. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)
Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) appointments to exchange foreign currencies as a part of the Global Currency Reset could begin at any time and were (allegedly) scheduled to run until Thurs. 15 Feb. 2024.
Chance McFadden announced on Telegram that he got a call from his friend in the US Treasury on Wed. Jan. 31. Evidently the Admirals Group (a private placement Humanitarian Group) has (allegedly) set their appointments for Thurs. 1 Feb. and Sun. 4 Feb.
Thurs. 1 Feb. Ginger: “Chance is referring to Humanitarian groups inside the tier 4B Internet group that are making appointments now. So those larger Humanitarian groups within tier 4B, they got notified and they’ve set their appointments. It looks like they are doing the larger groups first and then making their way down according to group size, or per person. They’re probably basing it on how much foreign currency people have so out of the Internet group there’s roughly 12,000,000 of us worldwide and within our group there are collectors with larger baskets of foreign currency. And then others that don’t have as much so it looks like that’s how they are sending out the notifications.”
Thurs. 1 Feb. Wolverine: Guys I know it’s frustrating for all of us as the notifications still have not come out for all of us as we hope for bond holders. What I heard and this is 100% confirmed, that some whales have received notification and are under NDA. I really do not know how all of this works if there is going to be an announcement or are they sending notifications sporadically. Some are now saying the 7th of February. Hopefully will get a bigger picture on what is happening. … later Thurs. Wolverine: Just letting you all know that it has (allegedly) started and it’s a process. Just waiting for them to call me so I can release the opera. Thank you all for the support you have given me and for withstanding this challenging journey. Love you all Wolverine
Thurs. 1 Feb. Ginger: This info is from Josh’s friend, who is close to the Admiral in Reno. Anonymous: “They are dotting all of their i’s and crossing their t’s to make sure it works. It has (allegedly) happened. We’ll be the last to know it’s happened.”
Thurs. 1 Feb. MarkZ: “My Iraqi contacts have said that the CBI has sent the new rates to the government. So the rumor is the CBI has released the rates to the Iraqi government. Now- when will they pull the trigger? I have heard similar things from US bankers- that all rates are now set and fixed. So imo it’s “any moment.” A number of contacts are still remaining silent because they have signed an NDA.”
Thurs. 1 Feb. Bruce: Today was termed National Freedom Day and from a special ops person so today Thurs. 1 Feb. through Wed. 7 Feb. we are supposed to have Nesara and Gesara. We will also (allegedly) see an increase in SS this month of February. Med Beds will be with us in (allegedly) five days.
Bank Story Family: My son went to his bank, aka credit union today Thurs. 1 Feb. He was very upset because he couldn’t login to his account nor could he see his balance at the ATM machine. Banking staff met him at his car and told him that they were changing over to a more secure system and everything should be back up and running within 24 hours. And that he will have to create another login and password! Wow!
Global Financial Crisis:
Tues. 30 Jan. Jon Dowling Breaking News: the BRICS Alliance has now overtaken the G7 in terms of the share of the global GDP. BRICS now comprises 35% of the total world’s GDP. Thirty more nations are lined up to join shortly.
Thurs. 1 Feb. Breaking News: Saudi Arabia Shocks the World by Joining BRICS! Bye, Bye, PetroDollar – American Media Group (
Read full post here:
Courtesy of Dinar Guru:
Walkingstick All these meetings that the CBI had with all these agencies that were helping them with their monetary reform are done. All the things that Aki [Iraqi bank friend] had to do in order to qualify to exchange the 3-zero notes into American dollars is done. International platforms that were needed in order to do electronic transfers is done...
Militia Man We all know the progress is amazing … Article quote: “Central Bank Governor says, we prevented banks and companies from obtaining the dollar and the work on the electronic platform will end during the current year.” He didn’t say at the end of the year. He said it’s going to end during the currency year…The electronic platform is where you get the dollar that goes to the parallel market which is smuggled out of the country… He’s going to cease that. Could that come any time? That very well could come at any time because tomorrow is during the current year…I believe Alaq is on a mission.
The financial situation in Iraq is strong and stable
Nader: 2-1-2024
We’re In The TERMINAL Phase Of The Debt Crisis | Craig Hemke
Liberty and Finance:: 2-1-2024
The Fed will cut rates by summertime, forecasts Craig Hemke of TF Metals Report. This will put upward pressure on precious metals. While he predicts only a moderate move in metals in 2024, he points out that the US is in the “terminal phase” of a debt crisis. The only way out is to inflate the currency, which will eventually push gold and silver much, much higher.
0:00 Intro
1:20 Fed announcement
9:05 Metals prices
12:00 Gold price outlook
14:26 Gold/silver ratio
17:25 US debt crisis
20:45 TF Metals Report
21:00 Last thoughts