News, Rumors and Opinions Friday AM 9-13-2024


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 13 Sept. 2024

Compiled Fri. 13 Sept. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

The Storm is here: Let’s take back our country.”  …NESARA/GESARA on Telegram Thurs. 12 Sept. 2024

Thurs. 12 Sept. 2024 nine powerhouse economies were standing on the precipice of insolvency. The interconnected nature of the global economy means that the insolvency of these key nations could trigger a cascade of failures worldwide. Financial institutions, trade networks, and even social stability are at risk. The potential collapse of these economies threatens to disrupt supply chains, increase unemployment, and lead to widespread social unrest.

Note: Just because there is a “Big Name” attached to intel- does not mean that is really the real person- There is a lot of “fake” information everywhere…..Use discernment and consider everything a rumor until we are actually at the banks.

Thurs. 12 Sept. 2024 The Truth Behind the RV/GCR …Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy on Telegram

Think about it: nine powerhouse economies standing on the precipice of insolvency. The mere thought is enough to send a shiver down one’s spine. This isn’t just a financial hiccup; it’s a seismic event that will shake the very foundations of our global economic order. From Wall Street to the Tokyo Stock Exchange, from London’s City to Australia’s ASX, the shockwaves of this impending insolvency crisis are poised to wreak havoc.

The interconnected nature of the global economy means that the insolvency of these key nations could trigger a cascade of failures worldwide. Financial institutions, trade networks, and even social stability are at risk. The potential collapse of these economies threatens to disrupt supply chains, increase unemployment, and lead to widespread social unrest. This scenario underscores the urgent need for a coordinated global response.

Now, let’s talk about the RV/GCR. This is not just a financial event; it’s a paradigm shift. The revaluation of global currencies aims to correct the imbalances that have plagued the world economy for decades. This reset could potentially bring about a more equitable distribution of wealth and resources, but it also comes with risks and uncertainties. As we stand on the brink of this economic revolution, it’s crucial to stay informed and prepared for the changes ahead.

So, when I say that the RV/GCR is upon us and the fallout is going to be monumental, you better believe it!


Global Currency Reset: (Rumors /Opinions)

Judy Note: While yesterday a couple of valid sources announced that the EBS and ten days of darkness was set to begin on Sun. 20 Oct, it appeared the RV rollout started after the debate last Tues. 10 Sept. People in Zurich, Brazil and Asia have reported being paid and were liquid. Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) should be in appointments very soon.

Some were saying that those in Tier4b have to register with certain websites in order to be contacted about exchange appointment notification. This was not true. It is my understanding that the Powers That Be have collected email addresses of those who have bought foreign currencies and Zim from valid dealers and will use those addresses to contact you. In addition, the information will be posted on various websites plus in my updates. I’m sure the information will suddenly appear all over the Web.


Thurs. 12 Sept. 2024 Bruce Opinion:

The Social Security increases should happen the 3rd and 4th Wednesday of this month and if not, by the end of this month.  

For those of us exchanging, the R &R is going to show up in our QFS account and is there already.

We can move some of that into our primary or secondary account. Don’t be shy about moving funds. Whatever you move should last you for 90 days.

That’s the only reason for the QFS Card. It’s the size of a credit card but three times as thick and it’s ONLY used to move funds into your other bank accounts and up to three banks.  

For those not exchanging Zim – the R&R should be by the end of this month.  

The Debt Jubilee is to occur starting this month.

The Bond Holders and those in Tiers 3, 4 A & B is supposed to be a shotgun start.

If you have Sheet Bonds take them with you to your exchange and let them know you have them and what they are?  Not ZIM – Sheet Bonds – because you will need a little longer time.  

Bond Holders can see the funds in their accounts but they cannot get access till tomorrow Fri. 13 Sept. We have people who’ve gone in today and they had to get the QFS cards up and running and then tomorrow they’ll have all the other things they need with these accounts set up for them.

According to this good source we should receive everything including the emails after markets close tomorrow at 4pm Fri. 13 Sept.

We can set our appointment and exchanges for Saturday 14 Sept.

The Redemption Center staff said they’d be working four days in a row. 

It will be good speaking to a LIVE human being and it will be quick to set those appointments and maybe your email for a confirmation of the appointment.

Don’t go to your appointment more than ten minutes before – so try not to get their late – just ten minutes early to the RC.

Some Redemption Centers are attached to banks.

People will be at the Redemption Center to verify your currency and count it. US marshals will also be there for security.  

I’m saying that it looks very good for tomorrow Fri. 13 Sept. or Saturday 14 Sept.

Read full post here:

Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Sandy Ingram  It is widely believed Iraq will need to increase the value of its currency in order to fully take advantage of the international transportation hub [Development Road Project] it is building.

Mnt Goat   I am going to give you a summary…of the other issues that are…on the table. They are on the near horizon and my CBI contact has also told me these are issues that also must be resolved:  Passing the Oil and Gas Law referendum, as required by their new 2005  Constitution.; Needed changes to The Investment Law No (13) of 2006 to meet the WTO requirements prior to full accession.; Institute the Pillars of Financial Reform in the Banking, Insurance and the Iraqi Stock Market. This goes hand in hand with the electronic banking effort…Iraq is going forward with the Project to Delete the Zeros and actually in the process of doing it not just talking about it again…we must stay grounded as this RV is coming to a closure and there is not much longer to wait.


Why Is The Big Money Buying Gold? | Lobo Tiggre

Liberty and Finance:  9-12-2024

Lobo Tiggre, founder of the Independent Speculator, discusses the current economic landscape and its impact on gold prices. He highlights how significant central bank purchases and investments by wealthy individuals are driving the recent surge in gold, despite a lack of immediate economic triggers.

 Tiggre explains that the delayed effects of the Federal Reserve’s rate hikes could lead to a major pivot toward aggressive monetary easing, which he believes will further boost gold prices.

 He notes that gold mining stocks are lagging behind gold itself due to market skepticism but remains optimistic about their potential.

Overall, Tiggre is bullish on gold, suggesting that the current economic conditions and anticipated shifts could lead to significant gains in both gold and mining stocks.


 0:00 Intro

1:30 Recession

6:36 Fed rate cut

12:48 Mining stocks

16:55 Silver update

 20:05 Uranium

26:23 Independent Speculator