Ariel: Iraqi Dinar Auctions are No More
Game. Set. Match.
Ladies & Gentlemen
Start Your Engines
Majeed: No more auction anymore …It is done …..Ding dong … the auction’s Witch is gone ……Ding dong … the auction is done…. they adopted the new financial system
“The matter has been settled.. Iraq will no longer offer its precious dollars in the controversial dollar auction, or what was called the foreign currency sales window and the electronic platform. After 20 years since the start of this procedure, Ammar Khalaf, Deputy Governor of the Central Bank, confirmed in a statement to the 964 Network that the dollar platform has become closed in compliance with the date set by the governor to close it at the end of 2024.
Khalaf denied all rumors about the possibility of extending the platform’s work, and spoke with great positivity, reassuring the market and consumers that the overwhelming majority of traders have already adapted to the new system in which the Central Bank does not provide direct dollars to traders. But what will happen?!

Brothers Technology: Iraqi Citizens you’re hours away from your NEW LIFE LOVE YOU’LL God Bless Importance of Currency Auctions ending….. “Under the new system Traders will have to deposit their money in DINARS in IRAQI BANKS THAT HAVE ENTERED PARTNERSHIPS FOREIGN BANKS ====== International DINAR WHICH NEEDS A INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE RATE!!!!!!!!!

Courtesy of Dinar Guru:
Militia Man We have numerous articles…from Alaq from as far back as 2023, specifically saying this year they will cease the auctions. That would be by the end of the year. This isn’t something new. They’ve been warned. It’s coming to fruition.
Frank26 What is Article 12 of the IMF? The rate. That’s exactly what it is…The IMF demands a country has a currency that can move in and out of the country. The IMF demands all currencies around the world have the ability to go into this country and also exit. That’s article VIII. Article VIII is the freedom of that nation’s currency to move in and out and other foreign currencies that are in there as well too. Article VIII removes all restrictions…We’re way past Article VIII. We’re at Article 14…Implementation of the new exchange rate.
Most Dangerous Time Since WW2: Can Disaster In 2025 Be Prevented? | Steve Hanke
David Lin: 12-29-2024
Steve Hanke, Professor of Applied Economics at Johns Hopkins University, discusses the biggest economic themes and coming changes of 2025.
0:00 – Intro
1:30 – Economic outlook for 2025
9:00 – Bitcoin Strategic Reserve
17:30 – Changing crypto regulations
21:30 – Preventing a slowdown?
28:00 – Fed and inflation
33:45 – Tariffs and inflation
39:00 – Bond market
41:00 – Overpriced, overvalued, overhyped