News, Rumors and Opinions Monday AM 11-18-2024


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 18 Nov. 2024

Compiled Mon. 18 Nov. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Sat. 16 Nov. 2024 Wolverine: “I’ve had a lot of very positive messages come in that it has either started or was about to start. The Med Beds are coming this week. A Whale received his blessing and it was so emotional for him that he had a heart attack.”

Wolverine Cont…..Tier 4A (Admirals Group) notified on Saturday 16 Nov. with access to funds on Monday 18 Nov. 2024.

Everything triggered Sat. night 16 Nov. (allegedly)

Tier 4B and Tier 3 Bond Sellers to be (allegedly) notified on Monday morning before Noon 18 Nov. 2024. We may start Monday afternoon, otherwise Tuesday morning 19 Nov. 2024.

No more delays, this is the last Call. Christmas before Thanksgiving!


Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 Bruce: (Rumors)

Your R&R monies will already be in your Quantum Account that you will activate when you do your exchange.

You will have a new email account set up at the Redemption Center.

Your Quantum Card will only be used to transfer funds from your Quantum Account to your Master bank account with Wells. You can transfer to other banks from there.

A source at Social Security reported that Social Security increases are not going to be in October, but will be in the month of November. You will get your added payment (a 80% to 100% increase from what you are presently receiving) a week after you get your regular payment.

Bond Holders have been told they will receive their emails Thurs, Fri or Sat that would inform them of when they will have access to their accounts – which will likely be on Tues. 19 Nov.

They are rolling out the toll free numbers to Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) likely by Mon. 18 Nov. and we will be able to set appointments on Tues. 19 Nov.

BRICS are intending to bring out their Reserve Currency on Tues. 19 Nov.


Ginger: “Protecting my contacts, while I’m not permitted to explain the exact details, I’ll just tell you I’ve verified the most encouraging and LEGIT news for Tier 1 through Tier 4A / Bond holders that I’ve ever heard from my REAL People contacts on Wednesday. It took several hours to vet the details after work, so I’m reporting this, with extreme CONFIDENCE”.

Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 Tony (forward from Fred Koch): Tony said Monday 18 Nov. 2024 was to be our day. So we were left with a timeframe (3 days) and an assurance on Bolivar (Soberano) exchange rate of 30 cents/Soberano or $30 million/100 Digitale (100 million Soberano).

Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 RV Highlights on Telegram: “We are almost there and it is always quiet before the storm. The levels above us will start on Fri. 15 Nov. 2024. There are over 7,000 regional call centers which will set your appointments. Those who do not get notified by email can find the information on the Web. It will be easily available. In Iraq their Victory Day is Dec. 10. We will go before the end of the month”.

On October 15, 2024, the White Hats Launched Asset-backed Digital Currencies in Several Strategic Nations, Erasing Trillions in Debt, Destroying the Deep State’s CBDC Rollout & Ending Central Banks’ Debt Security


TUES. 12 NOV. 2024 NESARA GESARA is often discussed as a transformative series of financial and political changes with significant and wide-reaching effects. Here’s a reorganized version of the impactful elements associated with NESARA GESARA you mentioned: …Nesara Gesara on Telegram

Financial Reset – Debt Forgiveness: All personal debts including mortgages, loans, and credit cards will be erased as part of a major financial reset, addressing long-standing financial inequities.

Tax Reform – New Tax System: The end of the IRS and the introduction of a 14% flat tax on non-essential goods, significantly altering how taxes are collected.

Monetary System Overhaul: The Federal Reserve will be dismantled, and a new “Rainbow Currency” backed by precious metals will be introduced, replacing current currency.

Humanitarian Initiatives: Extensive funding for global humanitarian projects to improve life quality worldwide.

Restitution for Past Wrongs: Restitution and redemption processes will address past constitutional violations and redistribute wealth from elites to the public.

NESARA GESARA: Envisioned as a global reset, these reforms aim to dismantle the old order and decentralize power, returning it to the people with comprehensive changes across finance, law, and societal structure. This plan is described as a blueprint for a worldwide revolution, emphasizing empowerment and justice.

Each of these points reflects significant shifts proposed under NESARA GESARA, highlighting its ambitious nature and the broad scope of its intended impact.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Mnt Goat   PRIME MINISTER: WE ADHERED TO THE GOAL OF COMPLETING THE GREATER FAW AS THE GATEWAY TO GREATER IRAQ”.   He explained that “this project has actually entered into the knots and paths of global trade and transport routes, which pass through the Middle East region, which has great strategic importance for global trade.” …I usually try to pick out the most important article of all for the news period. This article tops them all today and all I can say is WOW! WOW! WOW!.. Iraq must now put on it’s BIG BOY pants and be the economic super giant it is destined to be. They are doing it right in front of our noses.

Frank26  Dr. Shabibi was looking for…the start of a year or at the start of a quarter.  That’s why November and December to me is the time frame to show and reveal everything in the manner that Sudani just did…By confessing to Iraqi citizens that your currency is going to be so powerful very soon and then compares your currency to Kuwait…? …All of these things Sudani has ever dreamed about giving Iraqi citizens is now in his hands.  He has the power…Sudani is trying to tell you get ready with our banks!

Gold Experts Answer Your Biggest Questions – Ultimate Gold Roundtable

Commodity Culture:  11-17-2024

Andy Schectman, Alasdair Macleod and Steve Hanke answer the biggest questions in the gold sector submitted by Commodity Culture viewers.

The trio cover everything from getting the best price when selling your gold bullion, to how to buy assets using gold in the event of a collapse of the fiat system, and everything in between.

00:00 Introduction

 00:40 Project mBridge

 07:17 Most Ominous Bubble

09:58 Selling Precious Metals

17:47 2% Inflation Target

 24:35 Buying Property With Gold

29:01 Bank Runs

32:52 Gold Revaluation