News, Rumors and Opinions Monday AM 5-6-2024


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 6 May 2024

Compiled Mon. 6 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

Sun. 5 May Wolverine: “I heard from my sources that it has started, so we are looking at Monday, Monday, Monday (6 May 2024).”

Late Sat. 4 May Ginger’s Liberty Lounge on Telegram: “As of Saturday night, May 4th, there is finally some excitement brewing in Reno. Nothing definite! But RENO IS ON ALERT. I repeat, you can count on this as FACT: Reno is now finally ON ALERT. How fast this goes, remains to be seen – but I found it extremely encouraging. Things are definitely perking up.”

Global Financial Crisis:

Central banks are illegally created PRIVATE banks that are owned by the Rothschild banking family. The family has been around for more than 230 years and has slithered its way into each country on this planet, threatened every world leader and their governments and cabinets with physical and economic death and destruction, and then emplaced their own people in these central banks to control and manage each country’s pocketbook. Worse, the Rothschilds also control the machinations of each government at the macro level, not concerning themselves with the daily vicissitudes of our individual personal lives – except when we get too far out of line. …Medeea Greere May 3, 2024

BRICS should be ready for dollar collapse – Russian IMF rep. Russian IMF rep Alexey Mozhin says countries of the BRICS group could create an alternative currency based on their national legal tenders.

In March, we learned that BRICS is actively developing a payment system utilizing the blockchain. Many countries are starting to link payment systems. Russia and China have almost stopped using the dollar in their mutual trade. Monetary evolution? Yes. We are in the middle of a real-time chess match fundamentally reshaping our global monetary system. Hot conflicts are erupting worldwide, financial warfare is escalating, and nations are scrambling to secure minerals to reduce dependency on others. The era of a uni-polar world is crumbling, giving way to the rise of a multi-polar global order.

Sun. 5 May 2024 Biggest Banking Crisis of Lifetime is Upon Us:

Sun. 5 May 2024 The Deep State Cabal’s Blackrock Issues Huge US Dollar Warning:

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   There was a meeting two weeks before that massive entourage meeting that went to DC…They told you we’re going to DC to deliver the monetary reform.  There was the new exchange rate.  They agreed upon it…and went back home and told contractors we’re going to rewrite your contracts with that new exchange rate…When they were all done with that…they flew to Washington DC, they delivered the message…and spent over two weeks with powerhouses that are going to build their economy.

Militia Man  Non-oil revenues…Iraq has the largest sulfur deposit in the world.  They can tap into that.  It’s going to be part of their non-oil revenues.  The amount of natural resources Iraq has is off the charts.  Anything that suggests they can’t afford to do what they’re going to do and go to a market economy I think is highly mistaken.

CBI talking

Nader: 5-6-2024