News, Rumors and Opinions Monday AM 9-18-2023


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 18 Sept. 2023

Compiled Mon. 18 Sept. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Sun. 17 Sept. TNT Tony: HCL (Hydrocarbon Law – the Iraqi Oil Law) done and announced. All countries agree now is the time. On TV saying money on the way. Sat. 16 Sept: “Be ready, be ready. Something is happening tomorrow night. Banks are working now. Bank contacts say they are facing a heavy workload and by Mon. 18 Sept. we should be exchanging.

Sat. 16 Sept. MarkZ: “Three different sources say that they are keeping a skeleton crew in Call and Redemption Centers and working on how to handle appointments. Lots of expectations for Sunday 17 Sept. and Mon. 18 Sept. Iraq wanted a worldwide announcement of a rate change somewhere around the 20th or 21st. That does not mean we are waiting until then. Groups are positioned and ready. People are all in place. Agreements are done. All we are waiting on is the switch to be pulled.”

Sat. 16 Sept.: “Well folks has been a time since I last posted but heard from my source just now that he anticipates the redemption schedule will be revealed to him very shortly and he will advise ASAP after he hears.  He anticipates his exchange centers to be open and operational this coming week if no other obstacles present themselves, I will advise upon notification. Everything I’ve read indicates this has to be CONCLUDED by month’s end. GOD Bless.”

Hernán Robert Hbravo: We are painfully close. Many expectations for Sunday and Monday and those meetings on the HCL agreements and with the United States Treasury. Things really seem to be lining up perfectly. All eyes right now are on the Sun – Mon meetings in IRAQ at HCL and they say they are addressing the dinar exchange rate. It is reported in Iraq that everything is ready and agreed with the United States Treasury for the Revaluation of the DINAR currency. All documentation was studied and agreed upon between the government of IRAQ and the US. The documentation was delivered on Mon. 11 Sept. 2023, to the United States Treasury for prompt signature.

The US Treasury Assistant Secretary: Everything has been signed off and should be approximately 96 hours from her return from Baghdad, Iraq.  She returned Fri. 15 Sept. + 96 hours = Tues. 19 Sept.

Fri. 15 Sept. Militia Man: “We’re in such a good space I can’t contain the excitement because what we’ve seen in the last 96 hours. There’s nothing but powerful information from Al-Sudani, we have the US Treasury Assistant showing up…big companies…Stellar Energy…Total…Barzani being tickled pink because they’ve signed agreements. We have a change of pace.”

Thurs. 14 Sept. Bruce: Three excellent sources said Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) should get notified by Mon. 18 Sept. We are at a any day, any hour basis. Release to Bond Sellers should also happen by Mon. 18 Sept. Tier4bto be notified after Bond Holders – or by next Tues. 19 Sept. Military personnel and Bond Holders have exchanged but do not yet have access to their funds. On Tues. 12 Sept. the US Treasury gave word to Redemption Centers that everything was signed off and ready to go.

As of Fri. 15 Sept. Banks were no longer independent, but working for the US Treasury: When you go into a bank to exchange like Wells Fargo you are not doing business with Wells Fargo. You are doing business with the US Treasury. They are contracting with that bank to use the space but the people don’t work for the bank they are contracted by the US Treasury.

An Inside Source: 97 of the top 100 central banks are currently under transformation to become fully operational under the QFS + RTGS system. The remaining 82 smaller central banks are gearing up for this transition. On October 1st all BANKS have to be working with the QFS, THAT’S WHY WE THINK IT HAS TO BE DONE BEFORE SEPTEMBER 30.

Venezuela formally applies to BRICS. Last August 3rd, the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela formalized its petition to join the bloc BRICS:

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Angel1   There is one more requirement the WTO is asking from Iraq and that is to change their exchange rate.  That is what the WTO is waiting for. 

Frank26   [CBI put out a RFP-Request for Proposal tender]   SHANGDODDLE:  It appears to be the government of Iraq is seeking contractor bids for the purchase of machines used to count, sort and packet currency.  IMO that would be for the new currency in the lower denominations in the new small category notes… FRANK:  This is fantastic.  Then an article comes out and says, “This tender will be accomplished by October 22, 2023“.  October 22nd is simply the time limit parameters of this tender…You think it’s going to take until October the 22nd?   No.


Again rumors and exaggerations are abundant with concerns over the impact of the BRICS alliance. The rumor said the GCR was to launch based on the activities of the recent BRICS fifteenth summit held in August of 2023. 209 countries have signed, a new global gold back currency has been established, the alliance will take control of the global financial system, on and on and on. All not true!

If you’re not up to speed on the BRICS , the original members are Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. There have been only 13 countries that have formally applied to join. Of the 13 countries only 6 were accepted. Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirate. Officially joining Jan of 2024. The currency being discussed will only be used for commerce between the alliance members, not the rest of the world.

The original logic suggested that it would bring the BRICS together for a “common experience in economic growth” has not manifested. South Africa has fallen short of growth expectations, India has seen stronger growth but hasn’t kept pace with China. Brazil’s economy is a shit-show. Russia’s dramas are kind of self explanatory. None of the BRICS have supported sanctions on Russia. But in turn have capitalized on Western-led boycotts of Russian energy to get cheaper oil, gas, and other commodities for themselves. Basically, taking advantage of their wounded partner. Which in turn has pissed off Russia and add to it the growing tensions between India and China, the two largest members.



Fed Pivot Will Trigger Next Market Crash, Here’s When It Will Happen | Amir Goren

David Lin:  9-18-2023

Amir Goren, fund manager of the Economic Defense Fund, discusses his research on the relationship between the Fed’s monetary policy and stock markets.

0:00 – Intro

 1:05 – Interest rates and stock markets

7:00 – Fed monetary policy outlook

14:00 – Stock market outlook

19:20 – Oil and inflation

 20:40 – Auto sector

28:30 – UAW strike