News, Rumors and Opinions Monday AM 9-23-2024


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 23 Sept. 2024

Compiled Mon. 23 Sept. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

“On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 Corp. Dissolves – Ends Fiat Monetary System Experiment. Gold/Asset-Backed Quantum Financial System Locked, Loaded & Taking Over.” …on Telegram Sat. 21 Sept. 2024

“The first week in October over the Emergency Broadcast System, the military will reveal all. Also, in the first week of October, we expect to see various countries adopting and rolling out a valid QFS. Military reserves and armies are expected to be activated in the US, Canada, UK, EU, Iceland, South America, Mexico, African regions, Malaysia and over 80 other countries.” … (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Sat. 21 Sept. 2024

Judy Note: Tues. 1 Oct. is the date the new United States of America Restored Republic and Global Currency Reset begin and when the Cabal’s fiscal year ends. Most important, Tues. 1 Oct. is the deadline for banks to be Basel III Compliant (monies backed by gold) or they will be closed. The banks will be taking on a different role as service-only centers.  In other words, after Tues. 1 Oct. the Caball which has been officially bankrupt since 2008, will no longer have access to US Taxpayer dollars.

Sun. 22 Sept. 2024 Zimbabwe GESARA: Six million rural Zimbabweans to receive Title Deeds in rural areas. Did Zimbabwe just get liberated? Title deeds to land being given out to humanity, along with trust funds set up for the people!


BRICS Alliance; Chinese Elders:

BRICS was an Alliance of the nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa formed in 2008 after the so-called US “Mortgage Crisis.” In reality the crisis happened when the C***l continued to print fiat US Dollars while bankrupt and unable to even pay interest on gold borrowed from the Chinese Elders which backed that US Dollar, the basis for international trade. In the ensuing years since BRICS formed, they evaluated gold and resources of 209 nations in preparation for a Global Currency Reset. After the GCR all countries currencies would be at a 1:1 with each other instead of relying on the fiat US Dollar for international trade.

The Chinese Elders were composed of different multigenerational Chinese families living in the Philippines who over centuries, owned and held  responsibility for around 90% of the world’s gold, lending it out to countries for establishment of their financial systems. There were five top Chinese Elders who were responsible for the Global Currency Reset and RV release of funds.

Read full post here:


Ariel: IQD Holders What would you do if you woke up tomorrow morning and suddenly realize you are a multi millionaire 3 times over? Are you all ready for that type of money?

Because at this point I am expecting the rate change at any moment.

When you exchange don’t act like you don’t know how to log on to X and speak. Because a lot of you all about to start acting bad & bougie.

Anyway I hope you all bought all you need. The rate release is but a glance away. Ariel


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:The crooks are also talking on TV.  Every time a commercial comes out…They’re saying changing the rate will be a disaster.   FRANK:   The crooks are Iran/parliament…The only reason they’re saying this is because they know very well the rate is about to change.  It’s no secret.  Sudani is preparing the whole Middle East and all his people for the change this year.

Nader From The Mid East   They’re going to remove the 3 zeros soon… In 1990 Kuwait did the same thing…If you go back in that time and you find the article, you can read it, it’s the same article come out, the big bills are going to be the same than the small bills…25,000 dinars they’re going to count like 25.  What they did was the opposite, the whole opposite, the 25,000 become 25,000.  They stayed 25,000.  When you go change your money [Iraqi dinars] this is what’s going to having…You’ll have three weeks to find a way to exchange your money to small category dinar.  Once you change your money to small categories you guys safe.  That’s how it’s going to work…


Alak speak about banking sector Iqd

Nader:  9-23-2024