News Rumors and Opinions Saturday 3-22-2025


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 22 March 2025

Compiled Sat. 22 March 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (rumors)

Thurs. 20 March 2025: Private transaction platforms in Reno and Zurich have (allegedly) received direct confirmations that Tier 1 & Tier 2 payouts are FINALIZED.

Tier 3 & Tier 4B are(allegedly)  next.

If you’re part of the private groups, get ready now.

MILITARY MOVEMENTS CONFIRMED – SECURING THE TRANSITION! Intel sources confirm heightened security around key financial hubs. Private security details have been activated in Reno, Zurich, and Dubai. Special Ops teams are ensuring that NO foreign interference disrupts this monumental shift in global power.

THE FINAL PHASE IS UNDERWAY! This is not a test. The pieces are falling into place faster than anticipated. The old world is crumbling, and the new financial era is about to rise from the ashes.


Thurs. 20 March 2025 Quantum Financial System on Telegram: The gold-backed financial system has (allegedly) begun. Reports confirm large payouts are(allegedly)  moving FAST in Colombia, Zurich, and Reno. Bank screens are showing the new rates going up in value: IQD: $5.23 VND: $3.89 on Wed, but will be higher before released to general public. The system is nearly 90% complete. Notifications are set to (allegedly) drop ANY MOMENT.

Thurs. 20 March 2025 Bruce: The Dinar has (allegedly) revalued. Bond Holders were going into Reno and Miami (not Zurich or New York) to redeem their bonds and will likely have access to their accounts by Sat. 22 March. Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will receive notification to set redemption appointments sometime between Fri. 21 March and Tues. 25 March.

Wed. 19 March 2025 Wolverine: Gold backed currency started Tues. 18 March. People in Colombia are getting paid on the bond.

Wed. 19 March 2025 Mike Bara: I have been told Zurich and Reno are paying out. I have reports that things were extremely active in Reno. Exchanging money, money flowing. Different groups of people from those we were hearing from. I have been told of people being paid in Zurich.

Wed. 19 March 2025 Jen: What we got on Monday is that most paymasters have funds to distribute. They will do so this week. Approximately 90% complete on other tiers.


Global Financial Crisis:

Fri. 21 March 2025
We must audit the gold at Fort Knox, it’s been stolen. …Wall Street Apes on Telegram

Middle of the night gold shipments are heading from London back to America with “thousands of Gold Bars” trying to return them before an audit.

Clayton Morris “Over the few weeks, there’s been a secret operation to sneak gold back into Fort Knox before Donald Trump or Elon Musk get anywhere near it. US banks have been transporting gold from London back to New York with thousands of gold bars being moved outta the bank of England’s Vaults in recent months.

Look at COMEX gold vault numbers in the past few weeks. Skyrocketing why something is very fishy, hidden, unmarked shipments heading into Fort Knox under the cover of darkness.”

“If the gold was never missing, why are they scrambling like crazy right now to try to return it? Did the lying New York fed take all the bars in the vaults and then send them to London years ago so that they could lease it out or sell it outright to China?”

We need to End The Federal Reserve

Read full post here:

Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  Article: “To reduce speculation, a Sudanese advisor reveals a new monetary strategy.”  Oh my goodness they’re telling them everything.  THE MONETARY REFORM EDUCATION REMOVES ALL DOUBT THAT THE IQD IS GOING INTERNATIONAL!

Bruce  [via WiserNow]  …it looks like we could be delayed…till the weekend...until Saturday…or we could get pushed all the way to Sunday and get going Monday or Tuesday…All of this is in play right now because we don’t know exactly where the rates stand as being solid on redemption center screens…I wish I could be more definitive…everything else is moving in the direction that we wanted to go behind the scenes…I’m excited about where we are guys. I wish I could give you an exact timing for this, but just hang in there and know that it’s very, very close…


The Iraqi Dinar Price Will Jump When Iraq Does This To The IQD

The Economic Ninja:  3-22-2025