News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday 1-21-2025


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts to the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 21 Jan. 2025

Compiled Tues. 21 Jan. 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Tues. 14 Jan.: “All the information is saying “Next week.” …JFK Awakening Q17 on Telegram

Sat. morning 18 Jan. 2025 CMKX Holders expecting notification within 72 hours

Mon. 20 Jan. Wolverine: Hi guys I like to offer a incredible thank you to an incredible humanitarian Charlie Ward as he was always right that nothing was going to happen till Biden is removed from power and he told me that two years ago and he never ever waived from that. I should’ve listen to him and stayed on that course. Most of the Intel during all this time was total disinformation to catch the bad guys and I suppose people like myself were used to deliver disinformation not to harm you but to catch these criminals. Tomorrow Tues. 21 Jan. 2025 everything starts. I was told but not confirmed that notifications will start tonight and if it does happen the opera will be up. God bless you all we are finally here. Wolverine

Earlier Wolverine Posts: “Things are in motion. The Tier 4B group things won’t start until two or three hrs after the inauguration on Mon. 20 Jan. T4B Event Intel said at Sunrise tomorrow, Tues. 21 Jan 2025, the IQD should be on the London Stock Exchange and already climbing and short on the heels of the Lira. The British pound shall fall. Q Military: “Long Live the Dinar.” Mountain Goat: “I am told by my CBI contact that they are giving Iraq a “thumbs up” to move ahead.”   God Bless, Wolverine

Tues. 21 Jan. 2025 US reaches it’s debt limit, Trump has to do something to fund the government.

MarkZ: “My Asian Contact said he was expecting the RV on Tues. 21 Jan. or Wed. 22 Jan.

On Sat. 25 Jan. 2025, the first phase of the wealth redistribution will officially commence for the general public. …JFK Jr. on Telegram

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man  Iraq’s got 43% more oil than Kuwait.  What [Kuwait] doesn’t have is non-oil revenues.  It’s very powerful.  It shows Iraq is totally capable of having a real effective exchange rate that could be at least competitive and similar to the region.

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  FIREFLY:There is a news program on television right now talking about currencies and the countries of these currencies.  It looks like they want to give us more monetary reform education before they give us our new currency…One of them is Kuwait dinar…the currency is $3.23 with $105 million in reserve.  We, Iraq have $145 million in reserves and we say that we are 43% higher in reserves in Kuwait…We should be also having stronger currency too as we see it.  FRANK:  Of course.

ARS Vs IQD Inflation Rate; Investment Showdown

Edu matrix:  1-21-2025

Discover why investing in Argentina and Iraq could be your next big financial move! In this video, we dive into the contrasting inflation rates of these countries—Argentina at a staggering 117.8% and Iraq at 4.5%—and explore what this means for international investors.

Germany’s Economy Has Fallen: Here’s What It Means For The World

Sean Foo:  1-21-2025

Germany’s stagnation is getting from bad to worse. Their economy has crashed 2 years in a row, highlighting how serious the energy crisis is getting. As a result, political instability is brewing with the opposition pushing the country to decouple from the EU and the Euro. What’s what you must know!

Timestamps & Chapters:

0:00 Germany’s Two-Year Crash

3:01 Truth Of The Energy Crisis

 5:56 Industrial Rescue Needed

8:57 Will Germany Leave The EU?

11:10 Shocking Impact on The Euro